Healed During Easter Weekend

At the Easter weekend at Jeff this year, I came down with severe pain in my stomach. It continually got worse over a six-hour period, so I thought I might have appendicitis. I went to the emergency room in Jeff, and they did many tests. They thought it was a peptic ulcer, gave me some medicine, and released me. Thank God I was able then to spend a few hours at the building the Voice of God had for the weekend. I was so happy to see the caribou, the silver tip grizzly, and Blondie, which I have never seen. Also, we were able to speak to Brother Billy and Sister Loyce, and to shake Brother Joseph’s hand. What a blessing!

But then the pain began to return, and for the next 8-10 hours it was very intense. I returned to the emergency room and they did more tests. This time, they said my gallbladder needed to be removed, along with part of my intestines that appeared blocked, but being 500 miles from home, I told them to give me some pain meds and let me go home. They did not want to, and told me I might not make it home, but if I did, to go straight to the hospital.

We came back to the hotel, checked out, and began loading up to go home. We got a call and it was a friend, who told me to look at my watch. It was 12:48pm. He said, “Right this minute, Brother Billy and Brother Joseph are praying for you.” What an honor!

The doctors had told me not to drive, so one of my daughters left with us to drive. I told them to let me drive through Louisville because of the heavy traffic. As I began to drive, I noticed that the pain that should have been returning was actually getting better, so I kept on driving. My wife and daughter kept asking how I felt, and continually I got better. In just a short time, all pain was gone. My only real regret is that I did not turn around and go back.

It has now been two weeks (over two months when this article is published) with no pain, no symptoms, and no medicine. God worked a miracle for me. I want to thank Brother Billy, Brother Joseph, and all my precious brothers and sisters for praying for me, and ask all who may read this to help me give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for his tender mercy to me. So unworthy, but so thankful.

God richly bless you,
Brother Jimmy