A few days ago, a sister came to visit us, taking with her a cardboard case representing the old suitcase of Brother Branham. She had received it from a sister who had been in Jeffersonville at Easter. She showed it to us and asked me to translate everything in the case. I was very happy to do that. When I arrived to read the little letter that is with the cloth for healing, it reminded me of my healing, and I felt very sorry because I realized that I have not informed you about my healing, and to praise the Lord with you.
David said, “Make known his deeds among the people.” Even if with delay, here I am telling you about my healing that happened in the first months of 2004.
I had serious troubles in my eyes that the medicine couldn’t heal. I was going blind. For many years I had to take a lot of medicines and to undertake frequent examinations and controls, only to slow the approaching of the blindness.
I had already received many other healings, and my family too, but this time it was taking many years. I was discouraged and my faith was weakening. The devil came telling me, “You’ll get blind.”
One day a brother from another nation spoke to me about cloth from Jeffersonville. I knew nothing about it, and he asked if I wanted one. I said, “Sure.” After a few days I received a letter (the same that I translated for the sister) with the cloth. The Lord intervened in a special way, and since then, my eyes are well and I need treatment no longer. But I forgot to let you know about another thing.
This morning I rejoiced reading about the healing of the eyes of the little boy, because also my son (he is nineteen now) had the same problem and the Lord healed him. I feel that I have to write also about that.
He was born with the same problem in his eyes. We decided to take him to a well-known ophthalmologist in my hometown (at that time we lived in another city about 400 km away). She prescribed us a therapy, and she checked him every month. When he was six months old, she told us that the therapy had been ineffective, and he needed to have an operation. So we made a date with her in her surgery room for the next month.
At the same time we asked to Jesus not to allow this operation if this wasn't in His Will. Two days before the date, we went to my parents' home. At the date fixed for the operation we took her to surgery, and with our great surprise, her office was closed and there was nobody. It was impossible! She had a date with us, and she was a reliable person!
In that moment we didn't know the reason but we understood that the Lord hadn't allowed that operation, and we decided to wait for the healing from the Lord. About one hour later we found out that our doctor had a serious mourning in her family, and she had tried to get in touch with us but we were at my parents’ home. She had only the telephone number and address of our home! Mobile phones didn’t exist at the time.
That same day, his eyes were healed, and there was no need of therapy or operations anymore. They are still well today!
I hope I have been clear enough in my exposition of the facts, and it can be a blessing for whoever reads them.
I close this email with Isaiah 53:5 and 55:9.
Your sister,
From Italy