Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ
After reading all these testimonies, I realized that we all have a testimony, each and every one of us that has come unto Jesus our Good Shepherd, for we were all lost but now are found.
This is my testimony.
When I was about 19 (25 years ago) I gave my heart to the Lord, and attended a Pentecostal church. We moved around a lot, and after a while I became back-slidden.
During this time I managed to attend a church a few times, and I know somewhere deep inside God was calling.
We then moved to Australia about five years ago. Last year was the worst year of my life, physically speaking, but the best in the spiritual realm. I got really sick after a course of antibiotics, and no one could tell me what was actually wrong. I went for numerous tests and everything seemed fine; they were clear.
I could not eat, as I had no appetite. I felt nauseous every single day and night for almost 4 months. I could not sleep. I had diarrhea. I had this slight flu-like temperature that would not go away. I lost over 10kg (22 lbs) in a matter of weeks. I had to force myself to eat. I felt like I was wasting away.
To top it all, my dear brother died in a horrific car accident back in South Africa. He and three others were killed when the cars erupted in flames. I could not even attend the funeral, because I was so sick. I felt like Job in the Old Testament. I was so utterly engulfed in grief and depression, and thought I too would die.
I repented of all my sin and gave my life back to the Lord then. I started to read a printout copy of Brother Branham’s life and miracles. All this time my mother and aunt were praying for me, although grieved themselves.
I eventually took that piece of paper that my mother had given me two years ago with the pastor’s telephone number, and started to attend a Message church here in Perth. In a matter of a few weeks, I was healed; a full recovery. I was re-baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ and have never in my life followed the call of Jesus as I have today. My life is totally changed, thanks to this end time Message of this wonderful prophet sent by God. I believe this Message with all my heart. Thank you so much Lord Jesus, that You are the Good Shepherd. I was a lost sheep, and You never gave up on me. You brought me back to the fold. (St John, chapter 10 ).
In sickness and in health, will I serve my Lord forevermore, because nothing, even our trials and sufferings on this earth, can be compared to God’s Glory and what He has in store for us.
Come soon Lord Jesus.