We met with the Democratic Republic of Congo VGR director (Brother Mali). This meeting was profitable by the grace of God. We received audio tapes, books, and some booklets. He also gave us some Catch The Vision newspapers through the Mbandaka library, and this really thrills us.
We praise the Lord for His guidance, and because He granted us to get the contact we wanted. May the Lord be praised! The connection is now set. May the Lord, by His grace, help us to grow and keep on going forward...
I would also like to inform you that there is a strong demand for the French book: William Branham A Prophet Visits South Africa (This is the book his wife laid on the woman and the baby in an earlier testimony). Facing this situation, we had to give out our own copies to satisfy hundreds of demands.
The French “Life Story” would be welcomed for those who want to study and know about the commission of the Angel to His servant.
On this subject, we met in Maita a Pentecostal missionary from Kinshasa. He established many churches along the river (more than five), and also around Maita. He asked us to give him books to study them in prayer. We believe that the next time we’ll meet him during his round trip, by the grace of God, we will testify to him of the Work of God in these last days by His angel. Pray for us that God will give us words of wisdom for this occasion.
We recently established a listening place on a small neighboring island. We now go there every Friday, and they come here on Sunday to listen to the prophet. If this listening place is blessed, then we will go elsewhere to establish more listening places. Please send us more tracts for the evangelization work. We also need CD players and CDs to fulfill this purpose. Everything the Lord will place on your heart will be a blessing to us.