Dallas, Texas August 21st
Dear Mother and All,
We were so glad to get yours, Bert's & Bertha's letters this morning and will
answer at once to save you the unnecessary worry about me. When I wrote you from
Calvert on my way home from Hearne, Texas, I started a letter telling you about
the mobbing and then thinking how it might worry you, I tore up the first letter
and wrote you the other one not mentioning the pounding I got. I did this only
to save you from worrying. I have never seen any caper with the account of this
mobbing as I don't know what the paper said. Wish you would send me the paper. I
heard day before yesterday it was in one of the papers here and went and looked
over the files but failed to find it.
At the annual state encampment (Pentecostal) of the colored people at Heame,
the colored people built a brush arbor (continuing from the end of their tent)
to accommodate the white people of Hearne, who wanted to attend the camp
meeting. This full Gospel had never been preached to the white people at Hearne
and besides filling this brush arbor: Automobiles, Carriages and many white
people standing, surrounded the tent to listen to the preaching testimonies of
the colored people. Many of the white citizens became deeply interested in the
teaching and not wanting to seek the Baptism at a colored alter, the white
people urged the colored leaders to send for some white Pentecostal teacher to
come and help them in the Baptism. And so to accommodate these white citizens, I
was sent for and of course went to the camp ground and on Saturday night,
preached to two large audiences, one white and one black. God gave me unusual
liberty and blessing in teaching and explaining the truths for which this
movement stands. Both audiences receiving the truth with great enthusiasm.
I was tired and thought I wouldn't preach that night but the people wanted
me to and then God anointed me for it. As I was on my way to spend the night
with another white preacher who had also come that day, we were attacked by
several roughs one of whom had a revolver with which (as he and the others
cursed us for coming there, as they said, to put them on a level with them
(racial expletive)). They seemed determined to shoot us both at once. God was
wonderfully with me and with perfect coolness, I told them that I was doing
God's will the very best I knew how, was ready to die and would offer no
resistance to anything God permitted them to do, (these are not the exact words)
but if they had no objections I would like to speak a few words of explanation
before they shot us. At first they refused me this privilege but finally said I
could say what I wanted to. I then told them that I came with no thought or
desire of putting them on a level with anyone but it was the white people that
wanted me to come to help them, that I had done the very best I knew and was
willing to take anything God permitted. With this explanation they decided not
to kill, but insisted that we should take the next train and so we went to the
depot and I bought my ticket to Dallas and the other brother went to his room
for his suitcase and while he was gone and I was waiting for my train, a larger
mob of about 25 took me from the depot and knocked me down and pounded me with
heavy hardwood clubs with all their power cursing and declaring that I would
never preach again when they were through with me. As they pounded me with these
heavy clubs (made from the oar of a boat) I offered no resistance but committed
my self to God and asked him not to let the blows break my spine. God stood
wonderfully by and no bones were broken except for a slight fracture in my left
wrist. When they left off pounding me with the clubs as I got up, others of the
mob knocked me down and started hitting me in the head with their fists. I was
then knocked down several times but was not for a moment unconscious which was a
miracle of God's care. I was then not allowed to take my train but had to walk 9
miles to Calvert where I got a train Sunday at 2 PM for home.
The suffering during the pounding was terrible but as soon as it was over
looked away from wounds and bruises to God and He took away all suffering and
put His power and strength upon me and so that I carried a heavy suit case with
my right arm over nine miles and never had the slightest anger or ill feeling
towards these men who beat me so badly and the walk to Calvert in the dark with
moon-light was the heavenly experience of my life and the Lord gave me wonderful
intercession for those that beat me that He should forgive them and prepare them
for His coming. My flesh was mashed to the bone on my back down nearly to my
knees but since the beating I have been free from all suffering. Others been
made nervous and have broke down and wept as they were shown the wounds on my
body but have been absolutely free from nervousness, no fear and not even tired.
He has been so precious to me since that I have thanked Him many times for being
privileged to know something of the "Fellowship of His Sufferings". If this
mobbing was the result of some unwise thing I had done or for speaking anything
but His Own sweet message, I would be very sorry, but since it came for plain
obedience in preaching His Gospel to every creature, it has given me great joy
to experience this which was as common among the early Christians in the first
centuries of the Church. I feel like I am several notches brighter in the
Christian Life.
Already this experience God has used and made it a blessing to others and I
have received some of the sweetest letters from God's people.
You need not worry one bit for we are not now preaching to colored people and
will not unless God clearly leads as He did when He led us to Queen City and
other parts of Dallas. He put His seal upon this by saving many, healing many
and baptizing over 225 with the Holy Ghost. The deepest and quickest work I have
know of. We do not lay our own plans but wait for Him. We have just moved our
tent from the County of Keaskill to the County of East Side and Washington and
last night which was our first night in the new location, the tent was nearly
full and the attention was fine. Pray that God will give us a great meeting
there. We may move into some house near the tent in a few days.
Vivien is well and so sweet. God gives her at times the real burden for souls
at which times the Spirit makes intercession through her in tongues. Bro Graves
is with us. Miss Harriet Wasson is here today. God continues to give her
beautiful hymns. We had no meetings last week and Estella, Vivien and I spent
Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Miss Wasson's home. We enjoyed the change so
The paper just came from Z.C. telling about my beating. Not much like the
facts. My face was not scratched but my head was bruised in several places. No
marks are left on my face.
Would love to see you all at home. We are all happy in the will of God. I
would much prefer to be faithful and have some little tribulation now than to
fail to overcome and have to pass through the great tribulation soon to come.
Praise God I am determined to have God's plan for my life carried out.
With much love to you all, I am your devoted son.