From The Past: A Visit To Rome Cont’d

Speaking about divine healing, Brother Branham said that at the pool of Bethesda, Jesus did not heal all of the sick people who were there. While He was walking by, He passed near to many of them without saying a word. He could have healed them all; however, he did not do it. There was only one person who was healed that day. That is because Jesus could not do anything by Himself—He had to wait for the commandment from the Father.

Brother Branham added that many people do not receive their healing because they do not have the strength to touch the hem of His garment.

He said that Jesus would see everything in visions and that He knew men’s thoughts. What objection can we make to these declarations? They are way beyond our understanding. But that evening before our eyes, stood a man who lived in that Kingdom of the Spirit, and before the evening was over, he demonstrated the very same things that he was talking about.

I have never seen any man speak with such authority from the Word of God.

When he finished speaking he added, “Now if I truly am a prophet of God, everything I have spoken about will come to pass in this meeting. If instead, they do not come to pass, you have the right to charge me with being a false prophet.”

Before the meeting had begun, there had been distributed a number of cards to all of the sick people who wanted Brother Branham to pray for them. He called a few of these people and invited them to come up before him on the platform.

Then turning to these people he said, “You are all complete strangers to me. I have never seen you before now, and I don’t know any of you. The Lord is able to do great things for you this evening, because Satan has already been defeated by Christ at Calvary.

We also can say the same sorts of things, but here was a man who was about to demonstrate them right before our eyes.

The first lady on the platform was a middle-aged sister. Brother Branham always spoke sweetly, keeping himself calm. He never became agitated; he never raised his voice. He is truly a humble man in the broadest sense of the word. This remains true despite the tremendous success of his ministry.

I held my breath while I waited for Brother Branham to continue with the sister who was in front of him.

Brother Branham stalled for a few moments, showing that he was not in a hurry, and then he sweetly spoke to the lady. As though he were waiting for divine inspiration, he said, “We do not know each other; we have never met before this moment. If I tell you a few things about your life and what sickness you are afflicted with, you will also have to admit that it was the Lord who revealed it to me, because nobody can do this by himself.”

The whole atmosphere was filled with expectation.

Brother Branham continued, “Three days ago you prayed that the Lord would send me to this church and you prayed for your healing. You prayed in a room where there was a chair to your left and a window to your right. Your sickness is that you have stomach and liver problems caused by your nervous system which is in all shook-up.”

At this point it was impossible for the congregation to remain calm. People were shouting everywhere with joy and amazement because truly the things that Brother Branham had said were confirmed by the sister and by many other people who were aware of her situation. Then Brother Branham prayed for her, let her go, and exhorted her to put all of her trust in Almighty God.

For a few of the other sick people who came forward, Brother Branham continued in the same way. He told every one of them with extreme exactness the sickness that they were suffering from.

My astonishment and surprise continuously increased.

Suddenly, while he was speaking to a sick person, Brother Branham turned toward the congregation. Pointing on the women’s side of the church, he said, “You sister, with a gray veil on your head, sitting in the middle of the hall, the third from the end of the row...”

When the sister stood up, Brother Branham continued, “Right at this moment you were praying for your husband who is sick at home with arthritis; he is not a Christian. Be of a good cheer, for the Lord shall work.”

Dear brethren, the lack of space forces me to finish here.

I just wanted to give two examples of the glorious manifestation of the gift that the Lord has bestowed upon Brother Branham. I could have given, however, many other examples.

The meeting did not exactly end, but it was concluded in a very unique manner. As it always happens in Brother Branham’s meetings, due to physical exhaustion, at a certain point he was not longer able to stand the pressure of the divine power upon him. That power caused him to lose his strength, and the meeting had to be cut off.

I shall never forget that meeting. It has caused a deep change in my inner life. It has also corrected many erroneous ideas that I had about the great ministry of divine healing.

Testimony of Sarah Gorietti

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb. 13:8