From The Past: Bible Hour Echoes

The following article was published in the August, 1946 issue of Bible Hour Echoes.


"Brother Bill Branham, who has been conducting Divine Healing Services there recently, ask us to write of the wonderful things the Lord has done in this territory.

We are grateful to the editor for this privilege, as we know, 'Faith comes by hearing,' and we pray the Lord will give faith to all those who read of these divine, supernatural, healings performed before us through Faith in God, and in answer to the prayers of Brother Branham. We know that truly the prayers of a righteous man is a great advantage in seeking the Lord for help, when all else has failed here on this earth.

I can write of this freely, having myself been at the 'end of the rope,' so to speak, and can truly say the Lord took over for us, and has brought me out, taking all the desire of the world from me.

It seems people never give the Lord much thought, in their busy everyday life, until some sudden, unexpected, serious condition meets them, then they are all too willing to cry out to the One they neglect, when all goes well, the Lord.

They know they are not worthy of His help, but an 'inner soul, away inside,' cries out to God in distress. It is just natural, we say to cry to Him for help. It is because we know He loves us, and He promised to help us, if we believe; turn to Him from our lives of sin, and obey the voice of God in all things. God does speak to us, and we hear His voice.

Brother Branham, was given this gift from God, when a child, and I can tell all, that I know the power of God came upon me, when he prayed that the evil spirit of cancer be removed from me. It is not just a think so, but a know so, that God does work through man today just as He did long ago in Bible days.

I have seen the blind, see; the deaf hear, dumb speak, cripples walk, crossed eyes become normal, tumors reduced, ruptures return to normal conditions, cancers removed, etc. through faith in God, in answer to earnest, sincere prayer.

In regard to my own healing and experience with the Lord, if related in detail, it would be quite a story, so I will tell the important parts, that I think would assist others in finding the Lord when in distress.

When a child I. was converted, during a tent meeting in Robinson, Illinois. God has had a part to play in my mind, ever since, as He has kept a deep desire in my heart to follow Him. I let the devil win me over, and waded out into the world, always under condemnation, hearing His voice above the music, laughing, and noise making of the devil's children. Many, perhaps, like me trying to drown out the knowledge that the Lord was watching, and was very displeased, for He had given His own life that we might have an opportunity to find an escape from hell.

I was showing no appreciation, I desired earnestly to change, but that was in the future, some day I would but not just now.

Two years ago, I was instantly in severe pain. No relief could be found. I cried earnestly to God for help. Within two months I was operated on, and from what I have been told they had no hope that I would live, as they found a cancerous mass involving the entire abdomen.

I knew the operation was not a success because the pain continued, but was not told of my condition. Blood transfusions, etc., followed. I have been a nurse for over twenty years, so I could not be deceived. X-Ray, radium, etc., followed until I weighed less than eighty pounds, I am sure.

My mother and sisters stood by my bed crying. I knew what they thought, but I had a strong courage that I would overcome somehow. Very sincerely I kept crying to the Lord to help. I prayed, both day and night, refusing any drug that would produce unconsciousness. Promises, faith, and prayers went out, and some of them were that I would do just this very thing. He answered all, praise His name, and more than expected.

I asked to be directed to a church or a place of worship where He would come, and if He willed it, to heal me, or if I must die, to save my soul. God still works through man as of old. My husband was very sad, and his friends knew of his sorrow. One happened to know Brother Branham, and of the gift God had given him. He had the courage to obey God, and told my husband, who told me. I could see the answer to my prayers.

I know prayers are answered. This gave me more hope and faith. I left the hospital in a short time and went to the tabernacle. How well I remember walking up to the altar. I knew I had done all I could to please the Lord, and it was His duty to do as He promised. He located the church, and Brother Branham, who I had never seen, or heard of before. Our paths just never crossed, as we were serving different masters. The tabernacle is within a mile of us, but I had never seen it.

Brother Branham anointed me with oil, and ask the Lord to heal me. I threw myself upon His mercy. The power of God fell upon me, knocking me to the bench, and I was healed. I know that God can do all things, if we trust His word."