Prayers Of The Saints Cont'd

Madadeni was a special stop on my journey. Many years ago Brother Vusi was a minister in a denominational church. His encounter with the Message started when he visited his nephew (Brother Mphlopo), who was in prison. He noticed a vast change in his nephew’s countenance, as he appeared happy and joyous in spite of being in prison. Without any hesitation, Brother Mphlopo began sharing the Message with Brother Vusi. Initially, Brother Vusi told him that he was following the wrong church. In response, his nephew told him, "my whole life was wrong, and that is why I am in prison. Since reading the Message books, my whole life came right. How can the Message be wrong, yet all these years you failed to convince me and nothing happened to my life?" When he left the prison that day, Brother Vusi left with a Message book, and in a matter of a short time, he acknowledged the Message to be the truth and had experienced Its transforming power. Presently he pastors a group of 40 believers in the area of Madadeni. He is also working among eight other Pentecostal ministers in the area. Two of the Pentecostal ministers were also present at the Lighthouse meeting.

While in Madadeni, I received a wonderful testimony from a sister who was miraculously healed through the Tape Ministry. In her letter (attached), she explains her long battle of pain and suffering with her health, but the Lord was mindful of her and expressed His Divine grace by touching her. To fully appreciate her testimony, I wish to relate what transpired at her home. After speaking to the group of believers about the purpose of the Lighthouse project and the sacrifices that believers have made to make this available, I began demonstrating how the MP3 player and disc worked. I selected a 1965 Message disc at random and played it for a short while. Unbeknown to any of us in the lounge, the Voice was having a miraculous effect upon Sis Anna. Only the next day was I informed of what took place during the demonstration. Her letter is attached. Praise be to our Lord God Almighty.

I traveled to Ladysmith – where I fellowshipped with believers who rarely get visitors, Tugela Ferry – where the pastor regularly drives up to five hours to fetch people for the service and has established three other small assemblies to meet the needs of these remote believers, Bonella – where I met a new congregation that recently came out of the Pentecostal denomination, and finally Inanda – where I concluded my trip with about 55 believers who were overjoyed to receive their Lighthouse package. Each church received their own Lighthouse package (10 packages in all in addition to 10 sets of 130 Zulu Message books, and numerous Zulu cassettes).

From these testimonies, we can see that the prayers of the saints were answered. Brother Ronnie sends his gratitude for each one that brought his name before the Lord in prayer.