Pure Gold

Any testimony that we hear about Brother Branham is pure gold. These testimonies give eye-witness accounts of Brother Branham and how the Lord worked through him. If you have ever met Brother Branham, been in his meetings, or know someone that has, please write the testimony down or, better yet, video it, and send it to us either via email or postal service. We also appreciate it when believers give us the names and contact information of people that may not necessarily believe Brother Branham’s Message, but have experiences with him (of course, please ask their permission first). Please send your email testimonies to vogr@branham.org and your video testimonies to P.O. Box 950, Jeffersonville, IN 47130, attention Media Department.

These testimonies are priceless treasures, and we want to share them with believers around the world. Our friends overseas will surely appreciate your efforts. Although they all know him well through his books and tapes, most have never even spoken to anyone that has met Brother Branham in person.

The following is one of those treasures.

This is a testimony about my great aunt Odie McGarrah and her miraculous healing during Brother Branham’s meetings in Jonesboro, Arkansas when she was approximately 50 years old.

Having arrived in Jonesboro three days prior to the meetings, Aunt Odie, Uncle Bill and my grandparents-Coley and Ida McGarrah slept at the campground on the back of a flatbed truck, even though it was raining.

Each night aunt Odie attended the meetings with a strong desire in her heart to get in the prayer line or to be called out by the prophet of God. She kept on praying and believing if she could be prayed for by this man of God, she would receive her healing.

On the last night at the end of the service, Brother Branham left the platform in the opposite direction he had gone the other nights of the meeting. This was indeed a miracle, for by leaving in this direction, it brought him right by my aunt. When he reached her, he stopped right beside her and told her that the enemy of her soul desired that she fill an early grave, but she would live to be an old woman.

Since this was the closing night of the meetings, she and the group began their journey back to Cave Springs, Arkansas. Aunt Odie told me that three days after being prayed for, she passed a large tumor and was completely healed.

As a child I visited my aunt on numerous occasions, but I was never privileged to hear her testimony from her directly. When she was in early nineties (she lived to be 98 years-old), I stopped by her house for a visit and asked her to tell me the testimony about her healing. My uncle Bill, who was now suffering with dementia, had to be reminded over and over during my visit of who I was. As my aunt spoke, my uncle Bill, upon hearing my aunt Odie say the name Brother Branham, sat up straight in his chair and loudly asked, “Brother William Branham?” During the rest of my visit, he exclaimed over and over again, “Brother Branham! There‘ll never be another one like him!”