It is easy to get discouraged thinking that many of the sacrifices we make go unnoticed. It may be a short prayer or a small offering, but even the most trivial-seeming gesture could have a great impact. Your prayer may give healing to a sick brother in the jungles, or your offering may give a book to a lonely prisoner. Here is just one of the results of your efforts. We received this testimony as Feedback on the website. They did not leave an email address for us to contact them, but we all appreciate their words. This testimony is written to you.
I just wanted the people who support this ministry to know that some books were sent to my husband in Louisiana and it was a life source to him the three months he was there (in prison)! A young man came to the Message while he has been there, and they have nightly Bible studies to discuss the Message that was revealed through our prophet! Thank you so much for all your efforts and those who sow in this ministry. You never know the lives that are rescued for you labor! Truly you are life!
Love to all