He Is Still The Same

We received this testimony from a young sister who received some very scary news at the doctor.

Dear Brother Joseph and Brother Billy,

I wrote in a prayer request a little over a week ago because I had to have a MRI of my brain. The doctors thought there was a possibility that I could have a tumor on the nerve leading from my brain to my inner ear canal. In the same doctor's visit, he also mentioned the way to treat those types of tumors is with gamma knife surgery.

When I left the doctor's office on Thursday afternoon, I was horrified and scared, but I prayed for the Lord's Perfect Will to be done. So on Sunday I had the church pray for me and anoint me with oil. (All I could hear was Brother Branham saying, "It is the faith of the believer that makes them whole.") That next Wednesday, I had to have the MRI done of my brain and ear canals.

In the midst of all of the scans and tests being ran on me, the devil continued to fight. My husband's job began becoming extremely stressful, and we did not know from one day to the next how much longer he would be able to continue working there.

That same week, it dawned on me that I still had one of the blank checks that you all had sent from the Voice of God several months back. So my husband and I prayed, and I wrote in both of our requests on the same blank since we only had one check. The first part was for my husband's job and the second was for my MRI results. After that I placed the check in my Bible in Acts Chapter 19.

During that time we continued to pray and trust the Lord. One day soon after writing the check, on my way home from work, I was listening to one of the new Messages that you all released during Easter time. Brother Branham called out a lady in the prayer line. He said something like "you sister there, with the trouble with your ears, the Lord Jesus just healed you." I started crying as I drove home and rejoicing because I knew without a doubt that the Lord Jesus had answered prayer! He is still the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever!

My husband and I continued to trust in the Lord and just believe despite all of the doubts the devil tried to bring to our minds. Well, this week we got our answers straight from Heaven!

Yesterday, my husband got a call from another company offering him a better position that included a salary higher than he is currently making, plus commission, as well as reimbursement for any mileage driven for the company (neither of which his current company offers).

This morning, as I came to work, the song "Only Believe" continued to ring over and over again in my heart. I could just hear Brother Branham's precious voice singing it over and over.

So, this afternoon, I got a call from the nurse at my doctor's office who told me, "Your MRI results showed that there was NOT a tumor. The MRI of your brain was perfectly normal."

So, praise the Lord!!! Both prayer requests were answered within one day of each other! He is truly the same yesterday today and forever! He answered both of our requests and oh so abundantly! We are so undeserving of His grace and mercy! Praise the Lord is all we can say!

Thank you so very much for praying and for all that you do to send this precious Message to the far corners of the earth. We genuinely appreciate all that all of you do at the Voice of God.

May God richly bless you for your service to Him!

Chris and Rachel