Sister Embry is a long-time believer. Over a decade ago, the doctors told her that she was dying. If you know Sister Embry, you probably know that she is set in her ways, and she was set on being healed. The Lord honored her faith. This is her testimony.
It was in December of 1993 that I became ill early one week. I kept feeling worse, and on Friday, I was so very, very ill. My husband took me to the hospital and they said it was a gall bladder attack. It wasn’t. It was colon cancer, and it had spread all over my body.
When I was in the operating room, I could hear on Dr. telling another, “She has cancer in her kidney, bladder, liver, and all her lymph nodes. She will die.” I couldn’t feel while I was out, but, I could hear. I later told the Dr. “I heard what you said in the operating room!” He said, “What did I say.” I told him and he said, “That’s what I said.”
For 23 days I laid there, too sick to pray or anything. Just waiting for the Lord to come and help me. Every time the doctors said “you are dying” I said I don’t care what you say. I put my hay in the barn before the storm got here, and besides I believe in Brother Branham and healing. And there I lay for 23 days.
The doctors said “Ms. Embry you refuse to accept the fact that you are dying.” I would say, “I don’t care what you say, I believe in Brother Branham and healing and I put my hay in the barn before the storm got here.” I felt no fear when they told me I had cancer and I was dying. I thought you can’t give me a death sentence, only God can do that. I was so ill they called for code blue. I remember fading away from those who were there. They came and took me out (I was told). I must have almost died. When I came to, I didn’t know where I was. The room was full of blue birds singing and I was trying to catch one. The most beautiful I ever saw.
On the 23rd day I kinda came to myself. I said Lord I didn’t get to go to the Rock, meaning where the 7 angels came down. A voice spoke to me and said, “The Rock came to you.” I didn’t see Jesus, but knew He was there. I talked to Him. I said Lord I want out of here, I want out of here at 3:00 tomorrow. I won’t tell anyone, if this is you. I ask the doctor to let me go home, he said you are too sick. I just kept praying. Then he said I’m going to let this girl go home. All day the next day I was watching that clock.
At exactly 3:00, they came into the room and took me home. Praise God. I remember Daniel waited 21 days; I waited 23 days. Call upon Him and wait. He will come right on time. I refused chemo and radiation. When I got home, I found they had put a thing into my heart. The nurse came, and I said I want this out. She said no. You have to have that. She had had an armload of meds. I said I won’t take that. Throw it away. We were still auguring about that thing in my heart. Seemed like two hours. I said, “Lord how can I get her to take it out, help me.” She said, “Five more minutes.” I have a quote that sticks with me. Brother Branham said “ if you are going to do anything for God, burn all your bridges behind you.”
When I looked up she said, “If you take that out you will be burning all your bridges behind you.” I said, “Take it out.” She did. I had told the Lord I want You to heal me – Here I AM.
I screamed with pain for many days but I would not give in. Satan was trying hard to kill me, but Brother Branham said, “Satan has not won a battle yet.”
Every day I would burn another bridge behind me. Making everything right I could think of. I said one day, “I’m going to burn every bridge today Lord. Every one.”
Oh I love Him. Here I was dying, now I am here with the angel. A few days later we left for home. On the way home I became deathly ill, just like before. I guess Satan was saying, “I got her now.” But he is the father of liars. When we went on the next day I was so ill.
We finally stopped at a truck stop for him to eat. I told my husband, “No I am too sick to get out of the motor home, and I can not eat.” He insisted and helped me out. So sick I was.
As we walked in the lobby I saw a rack of pictures. I was drawn to one picture, and I knew Jesus had place it there just for me. Only one picture. We bought it. I felt a strange feeling come over me.
Went in, had a large breakfast. Felt wonderful. That was the roundup of my healing. No more bridges to burn. It was over, and I knew it. I claimed my healing forever. The tempter’s power was broken. Jesus had whipped that old devil and had driven him away from me. Have faith in God for the answer call him and he will come right on time. Wait for him.
When I went back to the doctor he said, “There are no more cancer cells in you.” He pointed to the ceiling and said, “He healed you.” While in the hospital, I kept saying I believe in Brother Branham. One day this doctor said to me, “Oh I believe in Brother Branham like you do. I am reading his books.” I was 70 years old now 87, and have been so healthy.