Dear Brother Joseph,
We gathered together in the comfort of our home last night to hear God's prophet speak to us, "The Choosing of a Bride." I think with the cares of this life, we tend to forget, not on a daily basis but even moment to moment, how blessed we are! We don't have to gather at a church building (yet we are blessed beyond measure to walk into the Branham Tabernacle), and we do not have to have someone interpret the Word of God to us. Each time I've heard a tape through the years, I think, “Oh, that is my favorite!” I had to say the same last night to my husband after hearing God's Word. “Oh, this is my favorite!” My husband smiled, as he knows me so well! Seriously, it brought us both closer to the Lord and a more consecrated life to Him, and we felt His Presence in our home, joining us to Him. As always, a big heartfelt thank you and love to you all for putting this reminder on the website and also to YF about 2012. Surely, many of the Bride of Christ heard this tape the last two evenings and were as blessed as we were. God bless you each one.
I do not need to sign my name, since I have talked to so many who feel as I do. This is for all the Bride...Praise our Lord Jesus and His soon return!
Your sister in Jesus Christ
(From Jeff, IN)