Oral Roberts

He was large in stature and even bigger in spirit when he stood before thousands of people and proclaimed that Jesus Christ is a healer. His bulldog faith showed through when he sternly grabbed people by the head and called out to the Lord for their healing, and more importantly, their salvation. The Lord honored his prayer time and time again, as he called sinners to repentance. Millions of people came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior through the ministry of Oral Roberts.

Most people who believe Brother Branham’s Message know Brother Oral Roberts well. Brother Branham spoke so highly of Brother Roberts, that he even compared him to one of the two angels that went into Sodom to call out Lot and his family.

Watch the angels (how we've been speaking about) what they done, the ministries... Look at the Billy Graham today, just exactly... A modern Oral Roberts and Billy Graham, those mighty evangelists sweeping the world, calling out of Babylon, out of Sodom, everything they can.

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Brother Roberts was born in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma in 1918. He attended a Bible college for a couple years, before he decided he could do more good by traveling the country, having tent revivals.

The Lord blessed the young evangelist and his ministry continued to grow. It was not long after his ministry began that he came into contact with Brother Branham.

The ministry of Oral Roberts... I remember the first time I met Oral Roberts, little, ragged tent setting on the other side. I was in--in Kansas City, Missouri, or Kansas, and he was in Kansas City, Missouri. We met around behind the stage, shook hands with me. And he said, "Brother Branham, do you think God would answer my prayers for the sick?"

I said, "He answer anybody's prayers for the sick." And we got our pictures together. It's in the old copy of the "Voice of Healing" if many of you have it, perhaps. And there--there Oral started out.

Look how his ministry's growed, and now into the millions and millions and millions of dollars, now building a great big school of theology.

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When he wasn’t on the field as a minister, Brother Roberts dedicated his life to helping the sick recover in other ways, such as building hospital facilities and helping to fund medical research at Oral Roberts University.

In 1985, Brother Joseph wrote Brother Roberts a letter. From his return letter, it is clear that he acknowledged Brother Branham as a true prophet of God. This is an excerpt from that letter.

Brother Roberts went to be with the Lord yesterday, December 15. He will be missed by many and remembered by Message believers as one of the men that God used to call souls to repentance out of this sinful world. May God rest his gallant soul.