
Prisoners don’t make a whole lot of money. The best jobs might pay a little over a dollar an hour. The inmates use the money they earn to buy special things such as junk food, toiletries, books, greeting cards, stamps, etc. Although the little that they make is usually quickly used up at the prison commissary, some prisoners are able to put a few dollars away for a “rainy day.”

The attached letter came from a brother incarcerated in Colorado. He may be paying for past sins, but the burden to help save souls is still burning strong in his heart. He asks that the Love of God would be more fully expressed in each of us. In reading his letter, we can see that the Love of God is dwelling in this former criminal, who found the Message of the hour in a cold prison cell.

It is always said that the holiday season is a time of giving. Along with his letter, he sent a $100 offering for the work of the Lord. Not only will his sacrifice provide the Message of the hour to needy souls, but his letter will bless thousands of believers across the world.

Thank you Brother Thomas. There will be many people praying for you this holiday season.