Proving His Word

If you read this website very often, you can plainly see that God can use a tape player to show that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We received the following testimony from a sister in Trinidad, who had a special experience while listening to the Message, "Proving His Word."

“He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.
God keeps His Word, He proves it, He proves It so.”

(Proving His Word 64-0816)

A few Sundays ago, we listened to our prophet preach this sermon. I had prepared some little gifts to express my appreciation for the believers at the church and to commemorate the healing of my sister from pneumonia and certain death, as well as her rededication of her life to our Lord Jesus Christ. I had been thinking that we celebrate all sorts of things in this life, so why not something wonderful that God has done? So, He had laid it upon my heart for some time to distribute these little tokens to my brethren there. Even so, I still questioned whether it was the right thing to do and if it was indeed scriptural. That bit of doubt nagged me just a little and had kept me from doing what I’d wanted and felt led to do for quite a while, before that Sunday. But I truly believe that this delay had been the leadership of God.

When the message began that morning, the first thing that Brother Branham spoke of was a question-and-answer session to follow later on, in which one of the questions he put forth as an example was if your husband wasn’t coming to church with you. I married an unbelieving husband and this piqued my interest. Then he spoke of how a sister had given Sister Meda a gift, and he said that he had received all of the little gifts that believers sent to him and how he was grateful for them. I had always heard him say that if we ever wanted to do something for God, that we should so something for the believers. My question had been answered. But that was not all that was in store for me…

As my heart was gladdened by what he’d already said, I listened under great expectation for more wonderful fulfillments of God’s Word and His promises. I thought, “Lord Jesus, I believe that in this message, you’ll answer every question upon my heart and prove to me that you are a God of the present tense.” I hearkened to the prophet’s voice with great anticipation.

The scriptures he read were Mark 5:21 onwards (the woman with the blood issue who touched Jesus’ garment and was healed and the twelve year old girl, Jaitrus’ daughter, who was raised from the dead) and I Kings 10 (the Queen of Sheba who had gone to King Solomon and every question she had was answered by him). I was that woman with the blood issue. Female trouble (as Brother Branham puts it) had plagued me since I was thirteen years of age, and I had been praying for deliverance ever since I became a believer and started following God’s prophet for this end-time. The girl raised from the dead was my sister, who spent two weeks in the hospital dying from pneumonia and the Lord Jesus healed her. Not only that, but she had been running from the Lord and His ways, so she was raised from spiritual death too, when she confessed her wrong and gave her heart back to Jesus. The questions that the Queen of Sheba asked King Solomon, were like those that I sought answers to from our Lord God. I was truly blessed in just a few minutes of hearing that Voice.

Brother Branham’s prayer that followed started like this, “Lord Jesus, as we read these stories of the Bible, our hearts jump for joy. For we know that Thou art God, and You never change. You never change Your methods, You never change Your ways, You remain God forever. And we pray, God, that You will bring the interpretation to us this morning, of these Scriptures that You would have us to know, that our hearts might be discerned, the great Holy Spirit would come among us today and discern our thoughts and our hearts.” Preached over 45 years ago, but preserved for us so privileged to hear it today, that anointed Word was proven so true.

As the Message played on, I felt as if I had unearthed a great treasure trove, a veritable fountain of bountiful blessings from God. When the prayer line portion of the service commenced, I felt as if my heart would burst with joy, from within my chest. I listened with bated breath for what I expected to happen. He asked, “Do you believe He’ll prove that Word?” I knew I did, with every fiber of my being. The Message was so real to me. The first sick woman, he spoke from a vision, “You're here from the results of something that's happened to you. You've had pneumonia, and you've been in the hospital.” That Holy Spirit was able to discern my sister’s problem. The effects of the pneumonia had weakened her lungs. I praised the Lord and continued believing for great things to happen. Another sister came up a short while later with a female trouble and was healed. My faith soared. Someone was healed of stomach troubles, one of hemorrhoids, another of back trouble. Every demon of sickness that had beset me and kept me from perfect health, was exposed in that prayer line and I knew that my God had truly proven His Word. After the service, I went up to tell the believers what I’d felt during the sermon and to explain why I’d prepared the little chocolates and keepsake scrolls with healing scriptures on them. God had revealed Himself to me through His Voice and the prophet’s Message, preached over four decades ago.

I wanted to give this testimony so badly because I know that we who listen to the Message and believe with all our hearts that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and forever, by faith, can see God confirm His Word. I hope that it has been a blessing to you and can bless the hearts of believers everywhere. God worked in such an incredible way, that in the Message entitled, “Proving His Word.” His word was indeed proven to be true, in the present tense. I cannot thank Him or praise Him enough for His mercy and grace towards me and for electing me to a part of His chosen Bride. I am blessed beyond measure to serve the only living God, Jesus Christ. May God bless you all who read this, with even greater experiences!

Your Sister in Christ Jesus,
(Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.)