A Prisoner Of Christ

Acts 19:11-12

And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul:

So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

Acts 19 has a special meaning to all of us, but these men seem to have a little more in common with Paul than others. Paul was no stranger to prison. In fact, it is widely thought that most of Paul's letters were written from a jail cell. Although their fellow prisoner of Christ may have been in chains, the Lord surely used him to give us faith to believe in this modern day. The following is a letter from a brother, who took God at His Word and is seeing the results.

Dear VGR,

I am responding to a letter I’ve received from you. It is truly an honor to receive your letter. Its content has resulted in quite a humbling experience for me.

Having received the prayer cloth, my heart moved for the brothers since everyone had an ailment at that time. After sharing the news about the blessing of the prayer cloth, we agreed to let one of the brothers wear it for the first seven days. Then another brother had his chance for seven days, until I finally got my turn. It was touching to see brotherly love on display here.

By way of testimony, one of the brothers who wore the prayer cloth was to be placed as a chronic care condition patient and ordered to take medication for the rest of his life for cholesterol. His cholesterol before was 360. After wearing the prayer cloth and a follow-up visit to the doctor’s office, his cholesterol level had dropped to 168. He is now off the chronic care list and has no need for medication.

Truly, we are living in a time glorious for the believer in the Lord. I’m beginning to appreciate my present state more and more. For without this incarcerated portion of my life, I could not be the man God created me to be.

We covet your prayers here. May He find us all faithful at His coming.

A soldier of the Cross.