The article about Paul and the prisoners reminded me about this poem that the Lord put on my heart this last Sunday. While I was in prayer, I asked the Lord to help me be more in love with His Word and prayer. I asked Him, “Bind me to Your Word so that I can be free.” It struck me how being a prisoner to the Word and God's service is the most liberating experience for any human being. If only people would yield themselves to God and become His servant, bound for Life, there is no other way to be free. I wanted to share this poem, especially since I have worked with several other precious brothers and sisters in the prisons here in Georgia. We see what it is like to lose natural freedom, but we also carry a Message to those in prison of how God can give you supernatural freedom. Blessings to all of those who read and believe this glorious Message! My heart and love is with you all...always!
A sister in Georgia
Lord, bind me to the Word that I may be free.
Lock me in Your shackles to which there is no key.
If I be holden to the firmness of Your Will,
Then the sin and self in me It will surely kill.
Keep me in the bonds of love for Your prisoner I will be,
To forever cherish and honor this blessed captivity.