Letters From Prisoners

The prison mailbag is full again. Actually, with the hundreds letters we are constantly receiving from our incarcerated brothers and sisters, the mailbag is always full. Each and every request for material is quickly filled, and every letter receives an answer. Here are a few excerpts of letters from prisoners.

I have been truly blessed by your ministry. I have a request. I have a friend who is Hispanic and is about to go home to Mexico. He will be leaving the latter part of April. I would like to order some Hispanic Brother Branham books for him before he leaves.


I understand that free is not free, someone paid for my books, though they are nameless and faceless to me, they will never be forgotten. I thank God for someone’s “widow’s mite.” Every day at 2:00 pm I gather with over 30 men who have come daily to study this Message and these books. If only you could have seen them when the beautiful truths about the Garden of Eden are made plain to them.

Please, we need more books, but we can only receive five in a package.

Thank you and God bless you.


Dear Brother William Branham and the Voice Of God Recordings.

Please send me some more of your preaching.


I wanted to write to you and tell you that I was moved from one prison to this other one in KY. When I left the other prison, I was not allowed to bring the Message books with me and I sent them to my mother. That was good for her but now I do not have any Message books for myself.

I would like to receive these books:

7 church ages
7 seals
Catalog of available materials

Also pray for me as I have not yet accustomed myself to this prison and need the Lord’s help.


I am writing to tell you that I have read some of your books and heard some of your tapes and have enjoyed the ministry of Brother Branham and what he has to say. Not too long ago I gave my life to the Lord and I am wanting to learn more about Him.

One day I asked the Lord to set me free from here but He did better by freeing my soul from sin.


Thank you for sending such wonderful books to the ones that need them the most. I was wanting to share a book with another inmate when one of the guards stopped me. “What you have there?” I showed him and to my surprise he said “I thought so, I was married in a church out there in Indiana that preaches that Message!” You can image how shocked I was and I could feel a great excitement to my spirit.