Proud Parents

Every mama bear thinks her cub is the blackest. The daddy giraffe thinks his son is the tallest. And each of us think...well, you know the rest. We are all proud of our children, and for good reason: God gave us these children to raise in the image of Him.

Brother and Sister Førsund from Norway are no different. They are proud of their little one, and for good reason, but we are sure that this little baby will appreciate her gift also. Good parents are hard to come by these days.

We just wanted to share a little testimony that we hope will bless your hearts. Our little daughter, Lisa, is only one and a half years old, but she already knows the voice of Brother William Branham when she hears a tape played.

"Baah!" she exclaims. That's her way of saying “Brother Branham.”

One time I showed her the picture of Brother Branham and the Pillar of Fire. I explained that the Light was God and that Brother Branham was His prophet.

I think I only did that once, but she must have a very good memory, and the photo must have made an impression on her little heart.

When I passed the photo standing on our bookshelf recently, she pointed at the photo and at the Pillar of Fire and said: "God!" Then she pointed at Brother Branham and said: "Baah!"

We just have to smile and laugh, for we think it's both cute and wonderful. She knows no Hollywood movie star’s name, but she knows the name of God's seventh star by heart, and she knows the name “Jesus Christ” also when she sees the Hofmann painting.

To her, unlike many other children in the world, the Voice of God is a familiar Voice. We are so thankful for that!

Thank you for all you do for the Bride all around the world, both little and small.

God bless you! Love from Norway!