
We received the following email from a brother who had suffered for years with insomnia. This is Brother Andrew’s testimony.

Dear Brethren of the Message!

I did suffer from severe insomnia since 1984, after a bad spiritual experience as a missionary in Malaysia and did not know how to overcome it, though I prayed desperately all these years every night.

Though the Lord did keep me over the years, the last two years were very difficult and I tried everything, even sleeping pills, which are not a solution. I could hardly function anymore.

Then, having recently been healed from a gallbladder disease through listening to a message of Brother Branham, I realized that healing of insomnia should also be possible. I looked it up in the Search on-line and found one reference on insomnia, which increased my faith.

As it was such a long-term difficult spiritual battle, I felt I needed to ask the Lord for a specific sign as in King Hezekiah's case.

In my case it would be one other specific reference to sleeping problems in a message, which I had not been able to find, as I don't have the Table. Then I would know the Lord had answered my prayer for healing of this insomnia.

The Lord was merciful to me, and in the middle of last night, I “accidentally” listened to the end of the "On the wings of a Dove" message on my MP3 player, which the ending I had never heard before.

And there it was, a dear sister in the prayer line with a severe sleeping problem and depression and the prayer. As this was the sign I had asked for, I now am standing on my permanent healing of this long-term insomnia. With the gallbladder it was easier, it was obvious and proven healed as I can eat anything now, what before would make me severely sick.

The insomnia, being more of a spiritual mountain, it was not as easy for me to move and accept my healing.

One, or two, or even a week of relatively good nights would not consist enough 'evidence' in my mind, having been weakened over the many years in this area.

Now I am effectively healed with signs following, as I even also feel different, with at the same time getting a revelation when and how this insomnia started in 1984.

Another confirmation is that I don't have the fear anymore if I will sleep or not, which was so ingrained over the years.

I can even plan ahead and have faith for sleep, a real miracle for me.

The Lord showed me to confess my healing as Jesus is the High Priest of our confession.

I also got to throw away the sleeping pills and had a dream about that.

God bless Brother Branham for having faith for those diseases and torments. Jesus is still doing the same miracles through the messages.

I wanted to send it in also as an encouragement for others who suffer from the same affliction, that Jesus can touch and heal anything.