Cast Out

My family and I have been Christians since the middle of last year, 2009, and baptized in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Since we have strived to live our lives according to His Word and teachings of the Message of the hour. As believers, we all know the ministry of William Branham is God sent and proven. We have one of his prayer cloths, given to us by one of the elder sisters of our church.

About two months ago, my family became very ill. My youngest daughter came down with a very bad sinus infection, and got worse to the point of pneumonia. Our son came down with a real bad cold, and both children were running fevers. My wife and oldest son were sick as well, and running fevers.

During the same time, I had blistering sores developing all around my mouth and lips, some inside. After three or four visits to their doctors, and prayers from our church, my oldest brother suggested that I anoint the children with oil and place Brother Branham’s prayer cloth on them, and rebuke the devil in Jesus Name. Moments after doing this, our daughter ran in behind us to the trashcan and began throwing up. At that same time, we heard our son in his room doing the same thing.

A thick black sickness was being cast out of them. My wife and I knew that we had just had a visit from the Lord Jesus, and He had answered our prayers for healing. I soon began to heal up as well.

We now know our sickness was an attack from the enemy, and through God’s Grace and our faith, he was cast out. Jesus truly lives. Our hearts and lives are His.

Brother Clark