Letters From Prisoners

The prison mailbag is full again. Actually, with the hundreds letters we are constantly receiving from our incarcerated brothers and sisters, the mailbag is always full. Each and every request for material is quickly filled, and every letter receives an answer. Here are a few excerpts of letters from prisoners.

I want to thank you for all that you do for me. I’ve come to love Brother Branham’s Message, and would like to thank everyone. God bless you all


I thank the Heavenly Father for having put your ministry in my way. I have read some of your books and have been edified very much by them. I hope that you will reply to me and send me some of your books. I also would like to know if you have any churches in the Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico area? My family lives in that area, and I would like to see them hear the truth about the Word of God. God bless you.


Brother Branham’s Message is so different, so plain, so advanced; no preacher I ever heard speaks like him. Yet he makes it so simple and plain. I believe he is that prophet, because he reveals the mysteries of the Old Testament and takes it right through the New. I refuse to read any other books! Thank you.


Once again, I am humbled for the Word of God and the fellowship that I receive from you brothers and sisters. Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone by way of the CTV. Every place and name that I read of is lifted up in my daily prayers.


I don’t know Christ as I should and I rarely read the Bible. I would like to know more about God but I just don’t know how. Please send me the Message sent from God. I finally feel like there is hope.


Please accept the enclosed donation and if you would send me a prayer cloth. I will be released in May and going home to my 83 year old mother. You can be sure that I will be taking this Message with me and everywhere I go! Happy day to all of you in the Name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ!


Thank you once again for the messages that you have made come to our hands. I also want to tell you that the Lord is opening our eyes to much revelation of His Word and is bringing us out of denominationalism, and we are getting ready for the coming of the Lord. The video that you have sent us is outstanding, as we have seen things that we never imagined God could do. I want to tell you that my stay here will end in April and then I will be moved to Arizona. When I arrive there, I will give you the new address. I am sending you an order form with the messages I would like to receive marked down.


I wanted to thank you for the books you sent me which have been a blessing to me. I love the Lord and this is very wonderful to me. Please pray for me that God will keep me away from wrong doctrines and seducing spirits that would take me away from the Lord. I want to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and be a real witness for Him in this prison. God bless you.


There is an inmate here that talks about the Message with great strength and conviction. I asked him what is this. He gave me a book called Church Ages and said read for yourself. Wow, what truth. I am 51, serving life and have never read anything like this. I have given what life I have over to the Lord. I thank God for this brother and for you brothers and sisters that have supplied this material to us. I don’t have money but will send what stamps I can. Please send me what you can, especially a book called COD. God bless all of you!


You have given me the True Word of God and I thank you for that. My desire is to visit Jeffersonville sometime. I have two teenage sons that are Christians and every letter I write to them, I tell them what I have learned in the Word of God and encourage them to contact and get involved in Young Foundations. I am so thankful to understand what “Christian” means and about the Bride of Christ!


You know for about a year now you have been sending me the Word. The other day I was thinking that I have not seen a newspaper, TV, or heard the radio for months. All I do is read these precious books. God bless you all.


I knew the Bible from beginning to end but there was always something missing. Then a man preached a Gospel that was not a trinity, but a God of Spirit and Flesh and I understood how Jesus could be both God and flesh. I have tried to share this Gospel with my family and others, but they do not understand. I am helpless! But Jesus is not! I let the devil take everything from me especially my time, but I have found that Pearl of great price. God bless you all.