
As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.

Psalms 42:1

Brother James may not have known how thirsty he was until he found the Water in the wilderness. He had strayed from the Lord, but God would not let his wayward sheep wander too far before He brought him back into the fold.

Is there any thing I can do to support? I believed the Message of the hour in 1999, but in 2004, I went back in the world. Then I was taken to prison as a murder suspect, which I did not do. I realized that I left God for no reason.

I never dedicated my life to Christ like I did in prison. I looked for Message books in that prison, and I failed to get one. I prayed over that matter, and one day I found two books. The prisoner who had them was only using them to make cigarettes out of them. He told me that it belonged to a prisoner who was released recently. I kindly requested for them and he gave them to me. I am telling you that was like discovering water in the wilderness, so I grew stronger each day. I really know what it means to be in prison. The Message is gold in prison. Please support the inmates.

Brother James