Having passed through the immigration and checked in, my beloved husband and I where set to go on our three week vacation to the States from London. Just before boarding the plane we decided to buy some salmon. That is when we realized that my purse, which had more than half of the holiday money and important documents, was missing. Quickly we rushed to the security desk in hope that the purse would have been handed in, but it wasn't there.
We then went to all the places we had been, but the purse hadn't been seen. Ten minutes before the plane was scheduled to depart, my husband decided to check himself out and headed back to a small coffee shop where we had stopped earlier. On the other side, I rushed over to the boarding area with a desperate plea that they would wait for my husband to return.
Amidst all this commotion the pastor’s wife (Str Gwena) rang to say good-bye. I told her of the loss we had encountered. She informed me after a second phone call that she and our dearest pastor (Br Wisper Gwena) were praying for the Lord to intervene. Amazingly, an announcement was made that there had been a technical problem with the plane and it would take the engineers an hour to fix. The purse was recovered, however, it was posted at the head department due to its contents which was at terminal 3 of Heathrow.
It took my husband a total of 80 minutes to go to terminal 3, return to terminal 4, go through the long dreaded immigration and return to me. Not only did the technical problem persist, but also the wallet was recovered with all its contents intact. It reminded me of how our dear prophet gave the testimony of Brother Evans, when his car was restored. I felt like the Shunammite woman the prophet says that her prayer and faith grounded that plane and held it there (64-0620 paragraph 81-117). When my husband arrived 30 minutes later, the plane was ready to depart. The prophet says the shunammite woman was a negro. Praise to GOD, I too is a negro sister. GLORY! I can say like Job of old, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.” These quotations leapt out of the tapes and became a reality in our lives. HE IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER.
Brother and Sister Panashe Hwata