Do You Fear Cancer?

Do you fear cancer? You won’t after reading this testimony.

On April 2, 2010, Good Friday, I received a phone call from my doctor telling me he had his results back from a biopsy that I had. He said they were positive for breast cancer. At first, I was numb and then the enemy tried to put that fear on me, but something would not let me panic. I know it was His Holy Spirit. I told the doctor that I had already committed this to God and also, what appropriate timing, on Good Friday. By His stripes we are healed.

On Easter Sunday, we listened to “I Know My Redeemer Liveth.” I had been praying that God would call me out on tape like he had Bro. Billy, when Bro. Branham had called him out to accept his healing when he was healed in 2004. As the message began, I glanced down at my Bible where I had placed my check from my checkbook that Bro. Joseph had sent us. I had written one for my healing, and placed it in I John 5:24, but it was in St. Mark. As if there was only one scripture on that page, I read St. Mark 5:34, “and he said unto her, daughter thy faith has made thee whole. Go in peace and be whole of thy plague.” Jesus Christ speaking directly to me, his daughter over 2000 years ago as did Bro. Billy, over 40 years ago.

I felt led to see a surgeon here in my little town. I had always said that if I needed anything other than first aid, I would go to the doctors in a larger city, Lexington or Northern KY. But I had no question that I should stay here, and before my appointment, I seemed to see this surgeon or his wife at different places in town. I had never met him before. I saw his wife and sister in-law go into a church across the street from our home, and at my appointment the nurse kept telling me that I was so familiar to her. I told the surgeon this and he said, “It was God inspired.” How kind God is to us to give us the comfort he does. I was then reminded by my Uncle Gene about the message that Bro. Branham preached where a man needed an operation for his baby that Mayo clinic had turned him down, and he was to watch for a woman that would tell him about a little country doctor down the road that no one even heard of, that could perform the surgery that Mayo couldn't. That man obeyed what Bro. Branham told him and I did the same: obey that leading. When I went to see this small town surgeon, I told him that the radiologist said that there were two spots on his test. When the surgeon reviewed the ultrasound he saw only one. God was already on the scene.

I had listened to the message "The Church of the Living God" on Saturday because of a quote that I read on VGR website. Bro. Branham spoke to the woman who had breast cancer and he showed her and Bro. Billy how he knew this by the vibration that went over his hand. How this increased her faith. He then asked her after praying for her if she felt that sensation that went over her and he told her that was her healing. The following Sunday during the message, “That Day on Calvary,” I had two sensations go over me, particularly up my left side. I knew that this was my healing.

Just minutes before surgery, with an ultrasound, the radiologist said he found a new spot in a different location. There was no fear, I knew God was still on the scene. He marked it and before that, he couldn't find the spot from the biopsy only the marker that was left in its place. When I met the surgeon upstairs, I asked him what he thought of the new spot, knowing that was what those two sensations were for during service Sunday. He said that it was nothing, only a bruise. He healed me of it before they even found it!

The following Sunday, anxious to be in service, I had something on my mind and had been praying that if something that I had done in my youth needed to be made right, God would call a sister out on the tape this morning and I would know it was Him telling me to correct this and not just thoughts trying to torment me. On my way to church, I was reading the Message book, “Believing God,” and on the page where I had left off reading a couple days ago, Bro. Branham told a sister that he didn't know why she had not been delivered unless there was something in her life that she hadn't confessed. He told her it had to be made right, and when she did, she was completely delivered.

It was the hardest thing that I ever had to do, but I know that when you ask God to show you what to do, you better obey. I can now say for the first time in my life that I am totally free and that I have meet all the requirements he has asked of me, and with this I can say without a shadow of doubt that “I AM HEALED.” He promised it to all of us, and as Bro. Branham has told us, that if we meet his requirements He will honor our faith, He will heal our bodies, and He will answer our prayers.

They removed the area where the marker was and they will run their test. But my God has already spoken to me, His daughter, and said, “thy faith has made thee whole.” I thank God for my healing. Christ is my Savior; He died for our sins and our healings. He is the Great Physician. He is truly Hebrews 13:8 and nothing will every shake me from this promise. It is mine. I have never been so close to my Lord as I am now. Brothers and Sisters, for the last 3 or 4 years, I was going away from God. I was very close to becoming addicted to pain medications. I was getting involved with friends outside the Message, allowing my ten year-old daughter to get involved with activities that I felt God did not want us involved in. I even felt as if I didn’t fit in with the believers here. I felt I had no purpose. How the enemy was deceiving me, but Praise God, He Loved me enough to stop me and turned me around. I am so thankful to Him for that. Everything that I have went through, he has taken the pain, the fear and has drawn me closer to Him than I have ever been before. I know He has honored all of His promises to me. I am a daughter of God and I am filled with His Holy Spirit. This Message is Life to me. More than ever we must not let the enemy divide us. He trembles when all of our little licks of fire stand together and we must keep testifying of his Healing Power. For I know that all the testimonies and the messages and quotes that my brothers and sisters sent to me were sent by God and sent to build us up, so that we will stand firm on All His promises.

God Richly Bless You All,

Sis. Anita Toy Wells
Germantown, KY

Later that day, we received the following email from Sister Anita:

I sent my testimony to you just an hour before receiving the pathologist report from my doctor. It is now in writing. All 10 lymph nodes were clear and the tissue surrounding the spot was clear of all cancer cells and tumors. I give God all the Praise!

Sis. Anita