
Brother Branham has told us over and over that juvenile delinquency is a result of parent delinquency. Our children are a reflection of us, and if we teach them about the Word and set an example of how to live a Christian life, it will never depart from them.

We post many testimonies on this website, but none are more important than this humble testimony of a true mother. This mother is building the right foundation for her little girl, and it is showing!

My seven-year-old daughter was casting her fake fish in the yard and lost it. I said, “you have to find it before the dogs do.” So she goes to look, and is out for a little bit, and comes back in. I ask, “What’s wrong?” She said, “Mom, I was praying that God would help me find it and then the devil tried to put fear on me about snakes… I told him, if I see a snake I won’t be scared, cause God doesn’t want us to fear, so Satan, you can't use that. Just like Brother Branham said, He loved the bull.” She continued, “I prayed right then and asked God to make love for everything I feared from now on.” She said the Spirit of the Lord fell on her and she was crying and praising Him. Then she started crying when she was telling me this, and jumped up and ran to me and said, “I love you so much Mom. Thank you for bringing me to church.” Through our tear-filled eyes, I said, “I love you. Let us thank God for what He has done for both of us this day.” She said, “Yes, ‘cause if it weren't for Him, we wouldn’t be talking about Him now.”

Sister Addie

It--it's too bad that mothers don't take their children today and tell them Bible stories. Hard to get a pastor that'll do it, let alone a mother. I think there's--there's five Gospels. You only know four of them in the Bible. But it's Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and mother. Mother gets them when they're young.

She ought to start them right there before they know anything about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

And mothers would take more time to talk to their children about God and pray for them, we would have less juvenile delinquency. First of all, it's parent delinquency before we have juvenile delinquency. If mothers would take their place in the house, and a Bible, and pray for their children, and lead them to Christ; instead of going out to some stitch and sew party and play cards, and drink, and carry on, and smoke and... Well, I don't want to get started on that. But however... I... It--it's terrible the way we--it's doing.

61-0311 Be Not Afraid