
On Monday afternoon we heard that the outlaws’ caravan was coming to our neighborhood. Again, it was unreal to take a sword and say a prayer with the family, ready to defend them to the last consequences, but that is what we did. My children were horrified to know that dad was going to a fight against the “bad people.” They embraced me and cried bitterly. We set barricades on the street corners and waited for the thieves. In the middle of a dark, cloudy night, we heard them coming as they started shouting and shooting their guns. This is the fourth noise I will never forget. We stayed close to the ground and heard the bullets zipping over our heads. They advanced and we grouped to resist in combat. They shot again and we decided to confront them. As we advanced, another group of a neighboring villa came with guns in our aid and the real shooting started. I stopped counting the shots at 100, as we stayed low beneath the bullets. It was a horrible night.

The man who wrote this is VGR Office Manager, Jefte Quian. His testimony of the massive Chilean earthquake and another brother’s testimony of the devastating Haitian quake is on the way in the summer issue of CTV Update.