Dear VOGR,
When I moved into a rooming house about a year ago that had dope addicts, ex-cons, and prostitutes, there was another house next door that a prostitute, Penny, moved into. She got clean of a 17-year addiction to heroin and started going to a church. Before I got to really know her, she died. The police were watching her son, Matthew, considered a dangerous, dope-addict criminal, and were afraid as to how he would react when she died.
Last Sunday I talked to Matthew at the Salvation Army soup kitchen brunch. He gave me a warm smile as he was passing through the line, and later told me that his dad is dying.
“We're just born to die. We're just born to die,” he said.
I wished that I could have given him some of Brother Branham's tract messages just then, but I thought it best not to do so in the building. So I prayed and asked the Lord to let me meet him on the street. A few days later, I saw him ahead of me on the street, and I jogged over towards him.
I called out to him, “Matthew! Matthew!” And he stopped to let me catch up with him. He looked grief stricken.
“Matthew,” I said, “You know how you were telling me that your dad is dying? Well I know about a man with a prophetic ministry who prayed for people who were sick and dying, and they got healed! And I read some of his books when I was really sick, and I got better!”
“Re-e-al-y,” he said.
And as I pulled out from my hoody pouch two small ziplock bags with the tracts VOGR sent me, I said, “And I've got some of his books for you and your father to read!”
“Tha-a-ank you,” he said very gratefully. Then we parted, and he went his way.
I was so-o happy, and thanking the Lord. Talk about bubbling!
Please pray for him.
Thank you again for the tracts. I constantly pray for the Lord to help me with the timing on when to give them to people. What a wonderful blessing it is to be in the “King’s” service!
Sister Nancy