
How much do we all take for granted? We may struggle to pay our bills, have a few problems around the house, or some other distraction that consumes our thoughts, but these are just distractions the enemy places in our path. Things could be a lot worse. The following is a testimony from a sister who is living in some of the roughest conditions, yet you will never hear a complaint from her. Sister Nancy’s burden is to win souls to Christ and it doesn’t matter what lot she has been given here on earth, she is storing up treasures in Heaven.

Dear VOGR,

When I moved into a rooming house about a year ago that had dope addicts, ex-cons, and prostitutes, there was another house next door that a prostitute, Penny, moved into. She got clean of a 17-year addiction to heroin and started going to a church. Before I got to really know her, she died. The police were watching her son, Matthew, considered a dangerous, dope-addict criminal, and were afraid as to how he would react when she died.

Last Sunday I talked to Matthew at the Salvation Army soup kitchen brunch. He gave me a warm smile as he was passing through the line, and later told me that his dad is dying.

“We're just born to die. We're just born to die,” he said.

I wished that I could have given him some of Brother Branham's tract messages just then, but I thought it best not to do so in the building. So I prayed and asked the Lord to let me meet him on the street. A few days later, I saw him ahead of me on the street, and I jogged over towards him.

I called out to him, “Matthew! Matthew!” And he stopped to let me catch up with him. He looked grief stricken.

“Matthew,” I said, “You know how you were telling me that your dad is dying? Well I know about a man with a prophetic ministry who prayed for people who were sick and dying, and they got healed! And I read some of his books when I was really sick, and I got better!”

“Re-e-al-y,” he said.

And as I pulled out from my hoody pouch two small ziplock bags with the tracts VOGR sent me, I said, “And I've got some of his books for you and your father to read!”

“Tha-a-ank you,” he said very gratefully. Then we parted, and he went his way.

I was so-o happy, and thanking the Lord. Talk about bubbling!

Please pray for him.

Thank you again for the tracts. I constantly pray for the Lord to help me with the timing on when to give them to people. What a wonderful blessing it is to be in the “King’s” service!

Sister Nancy