The old saying is, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” and the VGR employees definitely feel that way today. After a few weeks of rest and relaxation, we were all excited to drive into the parking lot this morning and walk through the doors, knowing that the building we are walking into is dedicated to feeding the Bride of Christ with the unadulterated Word of God!
It’s music to our ears when we hear those giant presses jump to life and the heartbeat of the collator as it staples and trims the books before they are loaded into the containers, bound for the Bride of Christ in foreign lands. The emails and letters that stacked up over vacation seem to be endless, but we know that every one represents a member of God’s Elect and we are looking forward to filling every request. There are sermons to be translated, books to be printed, CDs to be duplicated, audio to be filtered, magazines to be printed, YF activities to be planned, web articles to be posted, and so much more of the wondrous work the Lord has provided for us to do in these last days. These are exciting times!
Yes, it feels good to be back.