Letters From Prisoners

The prison mailbag is full again, so here are a few excerpts of letters from prisoners:

I want to thank you for the books that you sent me. With God as my witness, when I open the package I felt that my heart would leap out of my body. I felt that my heart was witnessing that the books were ordained and the True Word. Right now, I am reading the last book and I am amazed how they just build one on another. May our Heavenly Father bless each and everyone that has a part in supplying these books and all that they do.


It is these Messages that saved me, without them I would have never known of Jesus Christ and they continue to feed me. Please, what ever it takes, continue to make these available to us. Thank you, you Saints of God have saved my life, honest.


I just read The Doctrine Of The Nicolaitanes. Something inside of me said this is the truth. Please send me any other books that are available. When I read my Bible, this is the teaching I want, The Truth! Can you send me the Church Ages?


I have been receiving books in Spanish now and then for about five years. An English friend in here asked me about God. I said, “You sure don’t want to know of God from me. However, I know a man that knows the truth about God.” I told him all about you guys and am asking if you would send him the Church Ages in English. I only have Spanish. Thank you so much.


I would like to thank you for the material you sent to me it has changed my life. We only get writing stuff once a month so if you could send me extra books, I would like that. I need to learn more about Brother Branham. Thank you for what you have done for me.


I have read the books and received such a tremendous awakening to God’s Truth. Hard to believe but in the Texas jail system I found the True Word of God; not a church but a jail!!


I can’t believe that this material is available, never read anything like this and the others here are also amazed when they read the books. There is nothing but denomination teaching in here so we need more material. After seeing how important this work is, I ask for prayer that when I am released that the Lord will have mercy on me and let me help the ministry some how.


Thank you so much for the CTV, it just makes us feel so connected with other believers. The books and material that you supply are a big part of the blessings I receive from the Lord. I was amazed to see the scope of the work and how few there really are that contribute to that work. Clearly, anyone can see that it is the Lord’s Work!


My computer messed up, so I hope you received my message that he has not received any books or tapes since he has been moved. He is looking forward to getting some soon. Since he has given his heart to the Lord, he has been placed in a lower level because his behavior and attitude has changed so much. Thank you for all your prayers and help by getting him the Message. He loves the Lord and the Message with all his heart.

Email from a prisoner’s family in AZ

I really don’t know what to say. It is just such a blessing that you provide this material to the people who really need it the most. God bless you.


I received the CTV ‘Just The Facts’ and shared it with all the brothers here and we were all amazed. We decided amongst us to start kind of a Jesus Jar, but with our stamps, as that’s all we have. One of the other brothers was transferred as I think they are trying to separate us, but all that’s going to happen is the next place will now get the Word. By the way, his family is Catholic, and they told him that they are going to cut off his funds if he continues to send stamps to VGR. He really felt sorry for them.