
We can’t get enough of them. Here are a few recent testimonies from around the world:


A young mechanic checking the truck did not think that the driver would get in and back up. The back wheels ran over his leg, then his chest, and he moved his head to one side, and the truck passed over. The truck’s weight was ten tons. Then this young man went into convulsions, and there was another man with him. The man began to pray and God answered the prayer. Today, a week later, he is standing only by the sovereign grace of God.


I have a few cashed Jesus Checks that I would like to share with you:

    - for my son to return to the Lord – CASHED
    - for pain/lump in my neck and chest - CASHED
    - for my nephew to be saved from serving a prison sentence - CASHED

Thanks be to our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and I love Him with all my heart.

United States

I want to give a testimony of my baby cring every night until he was in his 3rd year. It takes alot of energy to take care of such a child. I heard about bad spirits coming off of the TV. So one Saturday I grabbed the TV up in my arms and ran out of the house and put it in an old car. From that day on my baby did not cry all night any more. Praise God!


I have a son that used to suffer from extremely horrible nightmares until he was a young boy, about ten years old. When he was a baby, around a year or so, he woke up screaming. My mother and I rushed to the bedroom only to find him crawling back and forth on the bed, full of fear and screaming as if in extreme pain. We immediately felt afraid for him, because nothing like this has ever happened before in our family. We tried to calm him down but to no avail. He continued to scream and fight us, his eyes wide open and so full of fear. We then knew it was the work of the devil. He was trying to possess my son some way. It was then that my mother and I held hands and bowed down to God and prayed for the devil to release my son and to keep him safe from harm. We weren't even done praying, and suddenly my son was quiet and fell fast asleep. We thanked God for this wonderful miracle and tucked my son into bed and left him to sleep. Once we were in the hallway, we both looked at each other in awe and smiled. My heart was bursting and my mother said, "The love of God is very real and very strong. That was the devil in there doing a bad thing to the baby. Always believe in God and His power." I was so full of joy and warmth in my heart I wanted to cry. I want to feel that way again. I miss Him so much. There was always joy and laughter and peace when we had Him in our lives. I am so hungry for His Word. There are no churches here that believe that Brother Branham is the prophet. So, I am so glad I found this website.

United States

What a wonderful Quote (referring to the July 6, 2010 Quote of the Day)! About 30 years ago, as a teen, I remember hearing this and it stayed with me all these years, and the Holy Spirit would bring it to my remembrance in time of need. Even two times within this last year, I had situations where I got burnt while cooking for my family, and just as I was reaching for something to put on it, my hand stopped in mid air as the Holy Spirit brought this Quote to my remembrance. Even though I couldn't remember the exact words, God increased my faith to reach up higher to Him and believe what our prophet told us. I began to think something like, "I am God's daughter and I am cooking a meal for His children (my husband and children), and I am in the line of duty, doing the right thing, serving God in the kitchen, in my place." I had confidence in knowing I wasn't acting or doing wrong and it was Satan trying to stop me from doing God's will. Instantly the pain stopped and I continued on with cooking with NO further problems. The mark was there, but absolutely NO pain or scar resulted. Praise the name of the Lord our God! What a mighty God we serve! What a Message! What a Voice! The vindicated living Word of God for our day, spoken by God's Voice, Bro. William Branham. This is only part of my testimony about "Serving God in the kitchen" that someday I'd like to share.


God bless you all young soldiers. I have a little something that I feel I need to share. If it touches you, please help me pray about it too. Lately, I've had a desire in my heart to serve the Lord with all that I have, this is since I read some of the Catch The Vision magazines and saw how the children of God have dedicated their lives to win souls for Him. I would love to support VGR as they serve God’s people, as they move around the world reaching out to the lost. I am young and I have a job, but I feel I need to do something more with what I earn from it. I have so many ambitions in this life, but I feel this is the most important of them all (after all I'll leave all that I've acquired and earned on this earth and fly away to Heaven, where my possessions lie). The devil has really tried all ways to pull me down, all I know is he's just wasting his time. Too bad for him. I know and I believe, and am sure VERY VERY SOON God will answer my little prayer. Then I will be able touch someone’s life, even if its the tiniest. Please, please, please help me pray about it. It’s killing me inside.

With the Love of our dear Savior,

Sister from Kenya


Instead of listening to the news and weather and current affairs in the morning and afternoon, I decided a little while back that I would rather listen to the Voice of God. I have today completed the last recording of 1954, having listened to every recording from 1947 to 1954. Talk about Rapturing Faith laying on the tapes! I was shouting in Hammond, IN, I was crying in Jonesboro, AR, I was shouting 'Amen' in Chicago, IL. The passing traffic must wonder about me... wiping tears away, hitting the steering wheel for joy, clapping my hands in approval! I don't know whether this body will be able to stand the whole Table series!

My God is real!

May I never take lightly the price and full surrender to the call of God of one man, ordained a prophet, to speak beautiful Words, wonderful Words of Life.

'I must be identified!'

I am... we are!


Thanks God for the exposition of the devil trick (referring to “The Trick” article posted on June 7). We encountered the same problem here in Namibia last Sunday. It was the tape, "Just Once More." When I played the tape at home, it was clear, but when I took it to the service, it was a different thing: no clear sound at all. I started blaming the audio tape, the tape itself, even myself. I didn't play the tape for long, and I was finally defeated. As Tapeboys, you can imagine our expectation and frustrations. Well, with this testimony, he is defeated.

United States

After reading this story (Nervousness, posted June 2), I couldn't help but think of my wife's testimony. When we first met, I was of the opinion that she had the oddest-looking nails I had ever seen. Thinking that it was just a part of her genetic makeup, I did not say anything about them until I saw her biting them. For more than ten years, I tried to stop her from biting her nails (note that I said "I tried to stop her..."). My constant encouragement was of no assistance. Every time she looked at them, they were as good as in her mouth, for the very next moment she commenced to biting. Can you imagine how difficult it was for her to open a can of soft drink? Well it wasn't that difficult at all because when she needed one opened, she handed it to me!) Her fingertips were just too sore to do anything. Sometimes her nails were bitten off so far below normal 'til they were almost non-existent. All the tricks to prevent nail biting did not work for her. Ever since she can remember, she had been biting her nails since her childhood (She's now 32). Well, the demonic spirit that caused her to do so is now GONE! PRAISE THE LORD! So what happened? We finally did what God wanted us to do, and what we have heard Brother Branham admonish us to do over and over again. We turned it over to God. When we finally came to the conclusion that there was absolutely nothing we could do, God came and did what was impossible with us. (Luke 18:27--"And He said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.") Now her nails are stronger than mine, and this testimony has been an encouragement to those that have seen what God has done for her and have had the same problem. To God be the Glory!


I'm greeting you all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. May God Bless you all. I'm very thankful to God who has just showed me the real living Word that was preached and taught by our precious Brother William M. Branham. I am thanking Jesus our Lord because I was in the wrong church but He pulled me out of there. Glory to God! Well, I'd like to tell you little a bit about myself, my name's Rene, and I'm from Madagascar. I'm married. I believe some of you know where Madagascar Island is. Here in Madagascar there is some Bride of Christ like you and need your prayer for us. We've been using Bro. Branham sermons for a spiritual food. We thank God for that. It's hard sometimes for people to believe this Message, as there is already a denominational church I used to go to whose the leader claimed to be the prophet of the last generation. But I've just discovered that he got this Message of Brother Branham and used it as his own. That's why I left joined this one from God. I don't know what to say, but thanking God every day for Him to redeem me. I was just baptized two weeks ago. Thank you very much and be Glory to our Lord Jesus. Please, pray for us in Madagascar.