From The Past: Bible Hour Echoes

The following article was published in the June and July, 1947 issue of Bible Hour Echoes.

Fifteen Red Letter Days

The first fifteen days of June, 1947, will long be remembered by those who attended the Camp Meeting and Divine Healing Services at the Bible Hour Tabernacle. More than 20,000 different people from 28 states and Mexico came to these services, with more than 300 ministers present during the meeting. The large building took care of the crowds the first week of the meeting, but the second week many were unable to get inside the building. Additional seating for one thousand people was furnished us by Mr. George Gardner of the Lumber Company in Lake City.

Many of the friends from distant points like California, West Virginia, and other places began arriving in the city a few days ahead of the meeting so as to get arrangements made for rooms. However, as the Camp Meeting got in full sway, all available rooms were gone. A teacher from the Pentecostal Bible Institute, Tupelo, Miss., was a great help in these services as he presented able Bible lessons each morning. The afternoon services the first days of the camp were given to Bro. Wm. Branham for Divine Healing. However, the number increased so much that it was necessary to use both afternoon and evening services most of the remaining days to take care of the large number desiring prayer. Among our evening speakers during the first week were: Rev. C. L. Grimes, Brady, Texas; Rev. Ed Hooper, Phoenix, Arizona; Rev. Earle Toole, Fresno, California; Rev. J. H. Reeter, Vandalia, Illinois; and Rev. G. H. Brown, Little Rock, Ark.

Many other ministers delivered heartfelt sermons during the Camp Meeting including: Rev. P. H. Box, Editor of the Pentecostal Herald; Rev. Mack Abbott, Roswell, New Mexico; Rev. Paul Price, of California; Rev. B. H. Hite, St. Louis.

Many friends surrendered their lives to God while here, and others who came seeking left filled with His Spirit. Fifteen obeyed the Lord in water baptism and others are to be baptized in our next service. Words fail us in describing the scenes of joy at the acceptance of Christ into their lives.

Remarkable cases of healings were witnessed by hundreds in attendance. Bro. Branham prayed for large numbers daily. One outstanding healing was of the cancer on Bro. Shepherd's neck which he said had been there for over 12 years. It began to turn black immediately after prayer, and fell from his neck seven days later. Another outstanding scene was of a 36-year-old woman born deaf and dumb who was able to hear and speak when leaving the platform. She would repeat everything after Bro. Branham, just as a child does when first learning to talk. She was so elated over her healing that her face just shone with joy.

A 36-year-old war veteran, suffering with cancer of the lungs, was brought here by plane from New Orleans. His limbs were swollen several times larger than their natural size, and he was very ill. After prayer there was no immediate change noticed, but three hours later he was able to eat a big chicken dinner and all the trimmings. Also the swelling was beginning to leave. A telephone call two or three days later reported that the swelling was still going down and that he was now able to use one of his arms. The local paper, THE JONESBORO SUN, carried this young man's picture as well as others of the meeting, along with a nice write-up of the services on the front page. We appreciate their cooperation.

Bro. Branham claims that the gift of healing came to him over a year ago. Since that time he has witnessed over 25,000 definite healings. He also stated that the anointing of oil, and laying on of hands as taught in James 5:14 should be taught and practiced by the ministers and elders of the church. He, however, professed the gift of healing (not miracles) as given in I Corinthians, 12th chapter.

People of all denominations were in the prayer line and many of them were healed. A retired Methodist minister said to me on the last day of the service: "I have seen many things take place in my ministry, but today is the first time I have had the privilege of seeing the blind receive their sight and the deaf made to hear and talk through the power of God. But I have seen it and recognize it to be truly the power of God."

A Baptist friend stated: "I came here rather skeptical; in fact, I did not believe it. But, brother, I have seen and heard enough until now I am a firm believer. I know God was able, but I just didn't think it was being done today — but I am a strong believer now."

We realize many attended these services who were very skeptical and did not believe. The attitude of these reminded us of the verse of scripture which tells us that even Christ was unable to do the many mighty works that He could have done in his own country, all because of their unbelief (Matt. 13:54-58). How much the more will His children be met with unbelief and skepticism, as they perform His will. Bro. Branham did not take one bit of the praise and glory, but many repeated that it was God who did the work through him, and all praise belongs to Him. Anyone could not be in his presence long without feeling that Christ-like spirit about him in everything he did and said. If a person like him was out for personal gain he certainly would not have the compassion for the sick to such an extent that he would give his life away as Bro. Branham is by praying for the sick night after night with little and sometimes no rest into the wee hours of the morning, even as during this Camp Meeting. All who really know him realize that the Spirit bears witness that he is a child of God and has been blessed with a divine gift. It seems rather queer, but true, that even the devil recognizes the power of God given to Bro. Branham as he commands the evil spirits to leave those that they have possessed and they go; while even ministers are guilty of unbelief and are even sowing that unbelief among their people. We say, and hundreds of voices join in with ours: "May God bless Bro. Branham and continue to grant favor in his sight, give strength to His humble servant as he performs His will."

The Camp Meeting will long be remembered by all who attended. Sister Armour Jones, Sister Roy Chambers, and Sister James Hurst, along with their families and other helpers, did a splendid job with the lunch stand to take care of those who could not or did not want to have to go to town for their meals. May God reward them for their faithful work. Bro. T. J. James was in charge of the room committee and we appreciate those who cooperated in helping him provide rooms for the hundreds of out-of-town visitors. Bro. Clarence Craine had charge of the dormitories. Bro. Ezra Downs and his staff of ushers were also faithful. We sincerely appreciate the help of Bro. and Sis. Fred Davis of Shreveport, La. He labored faithfully as the main usher forming the prayer line. Mrs. Davis (formerly Danita Barnum), gave solo numbers, played the piano during prayer services, gave a wonderful testimony of definite healing during Bro. Branham's campaign in her hometown; and also a message during a morning service. Bro. Ed Hooper, Phoenix, Arizona; Bro. Wm. Hull of Thayer, Mo.; and Bro. Campbell, Tupelo, Miss., also helped to serve as part time ushers. Bro. Aubrey Douthitt and wife were faithful in the song services. Our young people and also visiting young people did a fine job of taking care of the book room, working at the lunch stand, office, prayer room or wherever needed.

Through the cooperation of all these friends and many we could not name, and with the blessings and approval of God, this our first Camp Meeting of the Tabernacle proved to be a great success.