
We received the following testimony from a sister in Trinidad. While she was in extreme pain, she noticed a few familiar words taped to the wall.

I would like to share this testimony with the believers. Three Fridays ago, I lay on my bed, immobilized by pain - a toothache! It was a quarter to four, and I had about one hour and fifteen minutes to make it to the dentist. Considering that I had no available transport, a baby and four other children sleeping, and preparing for service later that day, this was basically impossible. I had given up on my once-treasured teeth. I believe that my teeth were severely damaged during a horrific first pregnancy, and after that it became a battle of faith to keep them in my mouth.

I threw in the sponge after the fifth pregnancy. Too much pain. Take them out! As long as that made the pain go away. Two were already gone, and this one was the third. I lay there trying to use medication that would give some relief to an aching tooth. The pain did not even budge. Honest to goodness, I was on the brink of crying. I had to talk to myself, “Listen, you are a grown woman. Crying is not going to help. This is the situation - face it!”

Just then, my eyes fell on some words I had taped to the wall that Monday. I couldn't quite see them so well but I knew what they said: “Why cry, Speak the Word, walk forward and more will unfold.” I said “Lord, I can't speak. I just don't have the faith.” Something deep within me answered, “Why not?” After a while, I said, “Yeah, Why not?” Then I spoke. I raised my hand in the air and said, “Toothache, leave in the Name of Jesus Christ!”

At that moment in time only one thing left me - hopelessness. When I heard myself speak that Name, I was reminded that I didn't have to do one thing, that He had already done it for me.

I got up and started to prepare for service. All that night the pain was just as strong, but my faith wouldn't let me surrender to it. After service, I saw a sister collect ten prayer cloths that she had ordered through our library from VGR. Oh how I eyed them covetously. If I could only have one. I asked, and though she had various people that she wanted to give them to, she agreed to give me one. I pinned it on when I got home. In the morning, I was so overcome with gratitude.

Firstly, to our Lord Jesus Christ, for taking my place that I could have His. Secondly, to the three brothers who take the time to pray over all those prayer cloths, and thirdly, to the precious sister who was unselfish enough to give me one of her prayer cloths.

And the toothache? Well by Sunday evening, I had not even a trace of pain and I ate sweets, drank cold things, and to this day, there is not a hint of pain. I doubt that there will ever be. That's why I love Him!