
Brother Branham said,

Faith, why, it's the most common thing there is. You can't even get a drink of water without faith. You couldn't come to this meeting without faith. You cannot move your finger without faith. It's said in the Scripture that when they put the Blood on the lintel of the door, for the passover in Egypt, it was put on the hyssop. Do you know what hyssop is? Hyssop is common weed. You can just find it anywhere. And that's the way the Blood is to be applied to the heart's door, tonight, is by something common, faith.

We try to press it out, and make it something, that no one can take a hold of. It's so simple, that you go over the top of it, trying to find it. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," said the writer of Hebrews the 11th chapter, 1st verse.

58-0510 Have Faith In God

Brother Matthew found that he had all he needed right inside of him. It wasn’t a worked up emotion or something he had to manufacture, his faith to be healed was with him all the time. Here is his testimony.

Dear Voice of God Recordings, I want to share this testimony with all people that go to your website. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when I was 10 years old in 1993. I began taking insulin daily through needle syringes so that my body could properly use food for energy. Throughout my teenage years, I would hear many messages of Brother Branham and hear the many times he prayed for sick people with diabetes. I knew that God could heal someone with diabetes, but I felt like I needed to somehow have a huge, enormous amount of faith to believe for my healing. I just didn’t know how to grasp a faith like that, even though I wanted to.

Over the years I would be hearing a message of Brother Branham, and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit would show me something about healing. The Holy Spirit showed me about 6 years ago that faith is something simple, not something you have to work up or grasp way above your head. Several years ago I began testifying in my church that God had healed me as I knew Brother Branham taught that if you have a disease, the simple way to accept your healing is to thank God for it before you see or feel any results, and God will make your body obey your confession. I began doing this, but had the hardest time witnessing to people, and after my body began to need less insulin, it started to need more again, which weakened my faith.

Earlier this year I felt a burden to hear some of the early messages of Brother Branham from years 1947-1950. These messages are real faith builders and somehow, I don’t really know how, the Lord showed me through hearing these messages that God has ALREADY healed us. We don’t have to work up any kind of faith for something that’s already been done for us! Christ was already wounded for our transgressions and with His stripes we WERE healed. I couldn’t believe it! Here all these years I had been wanting to have the faith for my healing when Christ had already healed me!

What really settled it for me was hearing tapes of Brother Branham, where he would say that if Jesus Christ was standing here right on the platform and you asked Him to heal you He would say, “I can’t. I’ve already done that.” Once I heard this, I knew that as long as I had the Holy Ghost and had nothing between my soul and the Saviour, then I could truly tell others I am already healed.

Here is a quote of Brother Branham that touches on this,

“What if Jesus was standing here with this suit on that He gave me? What if He was standing here, and they'd come up and say, ‘Will You heal me, Lord’ He’d say, ‘And you say you are a believer on Me? You read My Word?’ ‘Yes, Lord. Oh, I love Your Word. I read It.’
 ‘And then you would ask Me to heal you? How can I do anything that I've already done? I've already healed you. When I died for you, I healed you.’ Is that right? Then if He died, and the--the healing is completed, then the only thing that you have to do is to accept it.”


The Lord has been doing a work in my body. My wife and I have noticed that if I stop testifying of my healing my body starts to act bad, but if I start testifying of my healing again, my body continues to improve. In the last 4 months I have gone from needing 22 units of Lantus insulin nightly, to now 14. This is a 33% decrease. Normally such a decrease would have sent my blood sugar levels so high I would have been close to needing hospitalization if allowed to go day after day with super high blood sugar. But instead, my blood sugars have been fine. I saw the diabetes doctor last week and at the time I was taking 15 units nightly. He looked at my blood sugar levels and kept me at 15 units nightly, but since seeing him last week I’ve had to reduce to 14 units at night due to low blood sugar levels.

The doctor told me to continue to monitor how much insulin I need. I’m looking forward to seeing him in 3 months and saying “0 units!” I want the world to know that healing is so simple: Christ already did it, we believe it, confess that He’s done it, and Christ makes our body obey our confessions. For years I wanted to have the faith it took to accept that I was healed, but God showed me through hearing the messages of Brother Branham that I’ve already got my healing! How much faith do you need to get something from God when He’s already given it to you?

God bless you! God gets all glory from this. I know I shall continue to need less and less insulin day by day, for by His Stripes I was Healed! AMEN!

Brother Matthew