
God's timing is perfect, as you will see from this testimony from a brother in Holland who had one of Brother Branham's tapes for about a decade before he witnessed the power that was with him the whole time.

For about 10 years, I had a simple cassette tape laying in my camper, graciously given to me by an old friend here in Holland, Brother Johan and his wife. I thought it was interesting and listened to it out of curiosity, as I had heard about Brother Branham, that he was a real prophet of God. It kept "popping up" now and then over the years through three different campers. I would put it on sometimes, just as a "blast from the past." Still the timing wasn't exactly right yet.

It wasn't until I recently got healed by listening to that recording of "How The Angel Came To Me" that the seeds started to sprout. Listening to the recordings is truly like meeting Brother Branham, and Jesus right next to him, as I don't think you could ever meet the one without the other. Whether at the Tabernacle in Jeffersonville or in Chautauqua, or in Holland, thus are the seeds sown: some falling in the bushes, just laying there for years, and some in the good ground, bringing forth much fruit. Sometimes it seems the Lord has to wait for our earthly hearts to change from the thorn in the bushes into more receptive ground.

Br. Andrew, Holland.