
We love to hear them. Each of us has one. They come from all over the world. Here are a few short testimonies that we have received on the website. Truly, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

I thank God for the end time Message and His prophet, William Marrion Branham. Oh my, I saw Jehovah Jireh in action. I, with my brother Christ, was praying to GOD that He provide a way for us to get some material (Message books). Where we were staying, there was no Message church, neither a library. That city is called Pune (158 km from Mumbai). Bro Joel (Paramanadam) even told us that in Pune there was no fellowship. But still we were just praying to God. Our desire was just to get the material and testify to people about the end time Message that we've heard. I told my brother we didn't come in here only for study, but for the work of God too. We were staying, three of us, in the same house, my brother, sister, and me. But my sister was not a Message believer. So one day I and a brother in Christ left home. When we came back, I opened the door and saw something that looked like letters, so I had a look. On the top was our address and the bottom was written Voice Of God India (Chennai). Oh my brethren, when I saw that I and my brother shouted. I asked my sister how did it happen. She said "I was sleeping and suddenly someone rang the bell. I got up and went to open the door, but I saw nobody. Just those books.” Oh I said, “Praise be to GOD!” Yes my brother and sister, we're serving a living GOD Jehovah Jireh (The Lord will provide Himself a sacrifice). God bless you richly.

Brother Morya, India

The beginning of this month, I was late on Sunday to go to the ATM to withdraw money for tithes, so I forgot. I later went shopping, forgetting about the tithes. After that I realized that now I'm not gonna be able to give tithes and live with what was left in my account. On Monday evening at the family altar, my son read a scripture as he does randomly as led by the Holy Spirit. Then Tuesday morning early before dawn, I read again where he read as it touched me somehow and I wanted to read myself. I felt the Lord was talking to me that if I keep His covenant, I would see wonders and I must speak out! (Psalms 107:19-43)

The next Sunday I gave the tithes. As the month went along, I was shopping and not being cautious, as I badly wanted to buy some clothes. I did buy more than I usually buy in the other month's pay. I even bought a toy for my daughter. When I checked the balance, it was still more than enough to carry me through month as usual. Towards the last week of the month, I'm already borrowing from people so I can buy daily bread and put petrol gas in the car. But I still managed to buy my son's school juice! Glory to the living God; I see His marvelous works and rejoice. I see this as the five loaves of bread and two fishes which stretched to fed a multitude, and I've been fed for the whole month against odds that I would run out, as I had misspent before giving my tithes when I postponed my giving. But God said, “Yes” in an unlikely situation that I would manage. With deep thanksgiving from my heart, I say Praise the living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who took me out of a deep, gloomy, dark pit of despair and came to my rescue when I was in need, and in the eleventh hour of my sanity! Brother Branham says He's given us all the promises in the Bible, but we're afraid to go and investigate! Claim them for ourselves. I give all glory to Him, blessed be His Holy Name.

Sis Desiree, South Africa,

(inspired by (65-0725E) 148 )

The Attraction On The Mountain
What happened on Sunset Mountain,
It was God confirming His Word,
A blast from the Living Fountain,
A sounding as never been heard!

Oh what a thunderous announcing,
Such a glorious Mysterious start,
A seven part harmony song,
Echoing deep in the little Bride's heart.

Revelations ten one seven,
Son of man, like Elohim then,
Footprints leading the way to heaven,
By a Message that God did send.

And when he began to sound
After lifting from the ground,
In that tiny frame of time,
That was a heavenly sign.

It was a confirmation,
Of the vision and the Word,
Like the Thundering on the Mountain,
That the prophet Moses heard.

It went westward, all that blasting
Traveling up Alaskan land
A connecting Sixth Seal blasting,
When the prophet made that stand.

Sister Georgia

My wife watches several children during the day at our home. Hailey is one of the three year olds in our care. Around a year ago we found out that her mother, Katie, just 26 years old, was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus. Very bad case of it. She was taken to Rochester, MN for emergency surgery. They removed all the female glands and she was sent home. Several months later after radiation and chemo treatments she was given six months to live due to the fast spread of the cancer again. There was nothing left the doctors could do...Then came Jesus! She kept believing and we prayed for her, as well as her family and church. One year since she found out she had cancer she was pronounced totally well by her doctor! Praise God! She is now in awe, thanking the Lord every day and enjoying her daughter Hailey like never before! Our Lord is so wonderful!

Brother Angell, Wisconsin

Today I was going through a tremendous battle. I had listened to a tape this morning: “Conflict Between God And Satan.” I heard Brother Branham speak, “stay fortified in the Word.” It was about 6 o’clock today that the enemy tried to attack me with some things of my past. And at that time, the Word came forth and I heard what our precious Brother William Marrion Branham said on the tape, and the enemy had to back off because I knew that was the Voice of God, and I took God at His Word. Christian brothers and sisters, I’m so thankful that we have this Message to hear and receive into our hearts. God is so awesome.


Dear Sister, I really appreciated your letter (Article posted Monday, Sep 13). God's timing is just so perfect. Yesterday my back molar broke off. I rang the dentist and the earliest appointment I could get was, 8 October 2010. The tooth is very sharp and is not in much pain yet, but I have been wondering if I can last until 8 October, due to the possibility of pain increasing to being unbearable. But isn't God's timing amazing. I only get onto the VOGR website occasionally, but today I felt to log on during my lunch break at work. Unbelievable, but your posting is the first one! I will take your letter and apply it to myself, believing by faith that the Lord will preserve the remainder of my tooth until the 8 Oct, when I get it repaired (or pulled out). God richly bless you.

Brother Mark, Australia

I am pastoring a church in western Uganda, but do a lot more on evangelism. One day a daughter of one of the brethren got ill (intestinal blockage) and was taken to Virika Hospital in the same town. She was then due for operation the next day by a white lady doctor, who instructed the mother not to feed her that evening because she was to be operated upon the next day. Her father called me on phone that they were admitted to the hospital. So I went with my co-pastor, and we preached in the ward to other patients and prayed for all of them. Our dear Lord came down and delivered the child, Mary, and released everything from her stomach! Glory to God! Now when the doctor came the following morning, there was nothing worth operating! There are two cases of the same kind in the same town. The other was the Deputy Town Clerk who had the intestinal disorder, and was also to be operated on the next day. But after we prayed for him in his house, the good Lord instantly delivered him and he was not operated upon! That is the same God of my prophet Elijah of our day! And many more of such testimonies we do have of the goodness our Lord to the dying world. Shalom!

Pastor Opio Peter, Uganda