Update on Brother Youcef

We received word that Brother Youcef’s verdict of apostasy has been officially filed with the Iranian court system. His attorney has 20 days since the written verdict was received (about Friday of last week) to appeal the sentence.

Brother Youcef was imprisoned when he objected to his local government instructing teachers to teach all children Islam, including those from Christian families. He went to the school that his two sons, 8 and 6 years old, were attending and protested this based on the Iranian constitution, which allows for freedom to practice religion. As a result, the secret police brought him before the Political Tribunal in Rasht, Iran on October 12, 2009. At that time he was arrested, charged for protesting, and has been in prison ever since. Later the charges changed to evangelism to Muslims and apostasy – a crime punishable by hanging. His wife was also imprisoned and released after months in prison.

He was sentenced on September 22 of this year, but the verdict was not officially filed with the Iranian court system until a few days ago. This was probably an act of intimidation to the family and other Christians. Since he is not backed by a large denomination, he probably seemed to be an easy target.

Things may look bleak for our brother, but instead of being held without charges, he now has the ability to appeal. Whatever the case may be in the Iranian courts, we know that he is in the capable hands of our Lord Jesus.

Please continue to lift him up in prayer. The situation is serious, but we know that the Lord’s timing is perfect.