Thanksgiving Greetings

Oh, how that we need in this journey that we're in now to find a place of rest and to feast on the Word of God, so that it'll give us strength. Night after night, go to the room and rest, and come back the next morning fresh, and eat more, for there's a great journey and a great battle ahead for the Church. I believe that we have been children long enough. God's going to turn His Church into manhood now. And we played and frolicked as children, but now we're going to have to put away childish things and take on manhood: maturity.

I believe it was Paul who said, "When I was a child, I spake as a child..." because he thought as a child. But it's time that we began to think like men and women now, for we've got to get down to business.

59-0609 What Hearest Thou Elijah

My friends,

This may be an American holiday, but no matter where on earth you live, the Bride of Christ has a Thanksgiving Feast every day. Our Feast is not made from turkey and pumpkin pie; it is something far, far greater than natural food. Today, we are feasting on the unadulterated Word of God! And the more you eat, the hungrier you get. That may sound strange to someone who has never tasted that Heavenly Manna, but it makes perfect sense to us.

I am so thankful that we have a Message that arms us against every weapon the devil has. It’s our Sword of the Spirit, our Helmet of Salvation, our Shield of Faith, our Breastplate of Righteousness; It is everything to us.

How wonderful it is that, in these last days, God has given each of us the opportunity to be constantly in the Word. When the enemy comes in like a flood, God will raise a Standard against him, and that Standard is the Word of God. Whether we are reading our Bibles, listening to Brother Branham, or reading a Message book, we are feasting on Eagles’ Food. Yes, every day is Thanksgiving for us.

I pray that the Lord will grant each of you a special blessing during the holiday season.

Your fellow servant in Christ,
Brother Joseph