
We all admire the Tapeboy, Brother John Katyale, in Malawi as he goes into the highways and byways to search out lost sheep and bring them into the Kingdom. How many of us would like to make a trip through South Africa with Brother Keith Herne, or get on a train with Brother Matti Honkanen as he travels to Siberia? We all long for that excitement of placing the Word of God into the hands of a potential member of the Bride of Christ.

Brother Branham said, “Businessmen should testify. Women, housewife, no matter if you're the maid in somebody's house, testify. Do everything you can for the Kingdom, but don't never inject your own ideas. Just say what the Message says, and keep going on, see, and then maybe you have some influence.” 62-1013 The Influence Of Another

One of our newest products is a series of Missionary CDs that will work in any CD player. There are 24 different titles that you can choose from, and they are priced so they can be handed out like tracts. There are introductions to Brother Branham like My Life Story and How The Angel Came To Me And His Commission, as well as inspirational messages like The Greatest Battle Ever Fought and That Day On Calvary for the one who might be going through a rough time. When the conversation gets a little deeper, there are also doctrinal sermons like Anointed Ones At The End Time and Why I’m Against Organized Religion. The missionary work is up to you.

You have made such sacrifices to see people in other lands receive the Message, but sometimes, the Lord has a little more for us to do right here at home. As you will find out, it’s not the easiest thing to walk up to a total stranger and talk about the Lord, or try to inspire one of your colleagues to listen to the new CD you give them. You may try again and again, and never see the results. But one day, when this life is over, there may very well be a soul at the Wedding Supper because you overcame your fears and told them about the Message that means so much to you. All the efforts will be worthwhile on that day.

The following is a list of sermons we have in the new Missionary CDs. Note that the price varies between sermons because some sermons require multiple CDs.

59-0125 Be Certain Of God
55-1006A A Hidden Life
Satan's Eden
65-0718E Spiritual Food In Due Season
65-0221E Who Is This Melchisedec?
64-0629 The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us
64-0313 The Voice Of The Sign
62-1013 The Influence Of Another
61-0319 Jezebel Religion
60-0925 That Day On Calvary
59-1217 What Was The Holy Ghost Given For?
59-1216 What Is The Holy Ghost?
59-0419A My Life Story
58-1005M Hear His Voice
58-0928M The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
57-1208 I Stand At The Door And Knock
55-0117 How The Angel Came To Me, And His Commission
65-0725M The Anointed Ones At The End Time
63-0901M Token
62-1111E Why I'm Against Organized Religion
62-1014M The Stature Of A Perfect Man
62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
61-1231M You Must Be Born Again
60-1204M The Revelation Of Jesus Christ