Story Behind The Story

As always, there is a story behind the story. Brother Gerald and his son, Matthew, recently traveled to a strongly Muslim country to bring the believers more Message books and tapes, as well as to encourage them in their walk with the Lord.

We received quite a few emails from those believers, thanking us for sending the Buitenkamps and their precious cargo to them. The following is an email we received from one of the pastors in that country.


I went to many churches always promising to be baptized, but I did not get baptized. Then I was praying in a revival church, and on my way to church on a Sunday, I started to think, "Lord, in which church will You find me when You'll come back?" I heard a voice within me saying, "Go, I will show you where to pray."

By the grace of God, I was granted a grant to go to (the country he now lives). On a Sunday morning, my roommate got a phone call from a Message believing sister, asking him to go and listen to the exhortation of a certain pastor and a Major in the Congolese Army. He was in our country for a training. I went to this place, we sang, and then the brother preached. While he was preaching, I could feel a pull for the Word. He gave a verse to read, and he asked me to read it. At the end of the service, he asked me to pray, so I did and thanked God for coming among us through our precious Brother William Marrion Branham, the messenger of this Laodicean Age. The joy of this Spoken Word brought tears to my eyes. I got baptized, and after a time, I also exhorted the people.

The training of the pastor was completed, so he had to go back in Congo Brazzaville, where he also has a church. He needed someone to pastor the church where we were. We spent three days fasting and praying. The last day was a Sunday, and the pastor needed someone to take care of the church, but God had not shown him who the brother was. We were two brothers, and one of us had to take this responsibility. In the night of Saturday to Sunday, I had a dream: We went in a house full of people praying, and the pastor said to me: "You will exhort." When we voted, I was elected. This is the work God gave me.

Not long ago, Brother Gerald Buitenkamp and Matthew were here to distribute books.

We are praying for you for this Message that goes and gets the Bride. Pray also for us who are in a Muslim country, because it's not always easy. I thank you for your efforts, along with the brothers working at VGR, for this Message to get to the last sheep, and from there, the faithful Shepherd, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, will close the door.

May God bless you!

Your beloved brother.