
One of the main reasons we publish testimonies on this website is to be an encouragement to those that may be going through a similar situation. More often than not, that is the very case. Sometimes, the similarities are down to the most intricate detail, as you will read from this testimony.

After I had finished reading this testimony (Titled "Be Certain Of God" posted on Nov. 17), I concluded that my own blood sister wrote it, because everything this sister has said is just what would describe my sister's experiences when she goes to university. Even when our precious sister said she got into university without payment, by the grace of God, that just closed the case for me. You see my sister here is in a situation where her university is asking for their payment as well and she is basically going through what this precious sister is going through. What really got my eye was when this sister said, “Your Sister in the Lord Jesus Christ from the UK.” And we are also from the UK. So later on this evening, after coming back from our midweek service, I went on the web and shouted to my sister just to confirm if the testimony I had read was hers. To my surprise she said no, and I am still in shock. She was even shocked herself when read it yesterday. Isn’t it wonderful how God deals with us. Brothers and sisters, we serve a God who is very much alive! I've got a Scripture for my brothers and sisters out there going through this situation: Romans 8 vs. 13! I LOVE YOU ALL. I am only 18 years old, and your sister in Christ by the Grace of our LORD.