
We received the following email in response the article posted on November 18, titled “Vindication.”

In reading this testimony, I could hardly believe what I was reading. Just yesterday or day before my husband, daughter-Faith, and myself were in our little Saturn on our way home. We were stopped at a major traffic light, waiting to turn left. There were two lanes of traffic to turn left. We were in the right lane and an SUV in the left. That SUV started coming right into my lane. It was so close I could almost touch it. I had no place to go, but something stopped it from coming on into my lane.

I then turned to my husband and said, "Brother Branham said when things like this happen we don't even realize that God's sitting at our side to prevent these things from happening, and He's always with us and in us.” I had no idea which Message it was on that I had heard it, but it stayed close to my heart.

How amazing that this is posted, and I am just now reading it. He is Lord! Now I will go and listen to this entire Message once again. Thank you for posting this. It blessed me so to really, really know He is with us, and when we listen to His Voice, He is in us, protecting and guiding.

God Bless you All
Sister Debra