The prison mailbag is full again. We hope you enjoy these excerpts of letters from prisoners.
It is a great privilege for me to be writing to you. I want to thank you for all the work you do to help we prisoners. We have received much books by Brother Branham and are being edified by them. We also thank you that the material has been free of cost.
Thank you and your ministry for all the help you have been to me and to my family in Mexico, may God bless you is my prayer. Just recently I received a package of books by Brother Branham and I want to tell you that I enjoy very much how he teaches the Word.
My family lives in Guadalajara Mexico and are reading some of the Message books, and they are liking them. Do you have any churches in that city where they could attend services?
Thank you for the books that you sent me, they are precious. I wish that I could pay you for them but I cannot so I will be praying for you so that the Lord will bless you and your ministry.
I also want to tell you that on September 21 of this year I will be leaving this facility to be free.
I am here in this prison serving an 8-10 month sentence, having already done 3 months. I came across some of your books and found them to be interesting. I also felt the presence of God in such a way that it has made me want to give my life to God and live a holy life. I feel the Lord is giving me this opportunity to see that the life I used to live with money, drugs and women was nothing except fiction and that His love is better. I have 2 young daughters and I had wanted to earn some money so that I could send them to college, but now I feel I would like to give them something better in the form of this Message of Jesus Christ. Please pray for me and my family.
I am writing to inform you that the books that you have sent me are being of much use here in this prison. Not only am I reading them, but other brothers here are liking them and opening their eyes to the truth.
Every time I read the Bible, there were just so many questions. Now that I am in prison, I find that there is a study guide that answers these questions. (He is referring to the COD book)
To God be the glory for the great thing He has done. I have received the books of the Spoken Word, Rev. William Branham, the Prophet. It has touched my heart. But not just mine, but the hearts of many, many sinners here are turning back to the Faith of God. Lives are being changed because of Brother Branham’s messages. We here in Arizona thank you and pray that God will bless all that are responsible for providing the lost sheep with the Food they need. We love you and will meet you all on the other side.
I am an inmate in TN, and a brother here has been having prayer meetings and singing with a joy and radiance I have never seen. He tells us about finding the key that made it all click for him, a Message that each and every individual needs, The Word! I told him I want what he has and he gave me your address, please hurry.
The brothers here talk of the glorious Holy Ghost full Life of the Prophet Brother William Branham. Praise our Lord for giving us a Witness to His Glory and Love for even a prisoner. There is a brother here that tells us to make the most of our time here, but what can we do? He tells us to read and pray and soon you will not have time for anything else, he was right. This is a jail that we start in to be transferred to another, and the inmates in our group have all promised to take our books with us and no matter where we go from here, we will light a fire to His Glory. Revival can break out where you would least expect it.
After a life of sin and crimes, I came to know our Precious Lord Jesus Christ at the age of 50. I am with God. The brothers here have told me of the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Ghost in Brother Branham’s teaching. Please, I need to know this teacher as I seek only knowledge of His Word, and I am told that that is the only thing Brother Branham teaches, His Word.
Thank you for blessing this old inmate with the books of the Seven Seals and the Ages. Brothers, you need a good set of teeth for this material, no milk there, all meat.
Had I not had the opportunity to read of Brother Branham, there is no telling if I ever would have been exposed to the Bible’s truth. I have no idea of where I would have ended up, now I know God is real, now I have my life back. I appreciate receiving these precious books and I keep them separate on my shelf, as other books do not deserve to be next to these. Thank you for everything.
I totally believe that this Message is the truth, and that this man is the man of God sent down to return us to God.