
God Bless each and everyone of you. I would like to share a healing testimony about what God has done for me. I was given the diagnosis of "severe deterioration of the meniscus" on my right knee. That was six years ago, after an MRI. The pain was always there, I needed surgery, but I had a two-year old little girl, and no one to help me to take care of her. I needed six weeks of physical therapy, outpatient therapy, and I did not have someone to drive the car for the therapies, so I decided not to have surgery, and I lived with the pain, every day, for six years.

I work twelve long hours on my shift, most of the time standing. I could no longer walk normal. I started to walk without bending my right knee, as per the pain was constantly. Then my back started to ache and I felt pain in my head and my neck.

I lived with the pain, and I no longer went to the doctor as I already knew what I needed. I myself I am a nurse, so at the end of August, my sister came to visit me from Canada. She was concern because at the time, I could hardly walk. I was going to work, and I would come home with such of pain. My sister returned to Canada, and called me, and offered to come back so I could have surgery next year for winter time.

Well I accepted, but I was worried, because I am the only provider for my little girl. I prayed to God, and I went to church on Wednesday. We were listened the message, "Narrow is the Gate" preached by Brother Branham. When the tape was playing I started to tell God, “Lord why you did not let me live when Brother Branham was here?” I was praying with all my heart, and I talked to God and said, "You know that I don't know what it is not to live free of pain. My knee hurts so bad, I don't use high heals. My shoes are flat, and I promise that if You heal my knee, I will never use high heals.

So at that time Brother Branham was praying for the sick, and I believed that the Lord had answered my prayer. I felt the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. I went home that night, and after praying, I said, "Lord I know You will do the surgery tonight while I am sleeping."

Next morning, I got up, I thanked the Lord for the surgery, and I walked and bent my right knee. I felt a "clip," and another "clip," and I just said, “Well, I am in recovery, because I just had surgery, so I am healed just like the blind brother that Brother Branham mentioned, that he confessed. I will keep confessing.”

Dear Bride of Jesus, by the mercy and grace of God, I can walk as normal as a human being can walk, with no pain since that time. I got rid of two pairs of shoes that I had, with a little high heal. They were just there in the closet, and there are no words to explain the gratitude that I have for my Lord Jesus.

I know with no doubt that there is power in the Word of God, and no devil will tell me different. I know, that the anointing of the Holy Spirit comes down when we listened to our prophet. To God be the glory forever.

Sis. Maria P.