Our Specialist

The Lord can use doctors. How many times have we heard Brother Branham say that a doctor can set the bone, but he can’t heal it? Only the Lord can heal, and yes, many times that healing comes after a visit to the doctor’s office. But there are times when it is out of the doctor’s hand. Then we go to another “Specialist.”

Earlier this year, my 10-month old son had fallen ill. He was running a very high temperature for eight days and ate very little. He drank nothing but water. His conditions worsened and other symptoms appeared throughout his little body. After four doctor visits and being misdiagnosed twice, he was referred to a children’s hospital. By then, he was very weak and dehydrated. He was immediately put on fluids and several tests were done.

That night he was diagnosed with Kawasaki’s disease which is a rare condition in children that involves inflammation of the blood vessels and if not treated within ten days, could result in heart complications.

We were told that an infectious disease specialist would have to confirm his condition before treatment as the treatment was very expansive, and all we could do was to sit and wait as they only had a few specialists in the county. It was then the ninth day of high fever and there was no telling when the treatment would start. We immediately called on our local church, friends, and family for prayer. A prayer request was sent to VGR, and on that day, his body temperature was lowered significantly. Our “Specialist” was already on the scene.

Today, the baby is doing well. He was healed completely. Jesus is always available. We just have to call on him and believe. Thank you Lord.

Your sister in Christ.