
Brother Branham said, “Could you imagine a little fish about a half inch long, out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, saying, "Well, I better drink of this water sparingly; I might run out someday." That would be nonsense. And it would be more nonsense to think you could ever exhaust the Father's good will to do things for you.” 58-0302 Door To The Heart

A young brother and his family experienced the many blessings that God has in store for them, and he summed it up well, “Glory!”

Last year around August 2010, me and my mom had a real hard trial come upon us with one of my brothers. I have two brothers, one sister, and my mom. My dad got deported; please pray for him I’m trying to help him get back over here with immigration paperwork. I’m the oldest 24.

A couple of years back my brother Paul, second oldest, was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and ever since, we have had some tough times with him, I can go on and on. Well, last year, August, he decided to take his life. I heard him in the restroom having an anxiety attack, so I ran to see what was going on. It turned out he was swallowing, and swallowed, about 30-50 Tylenol pills. I immediately stopped him from taking anymore and called 911. The ambulance got to my house in no time. They took him to the hospital.

On the fourth day, we rushed to the hospital’s ICU unit, where me and my mom found him delusional talking to the wall. He didn’t recognize us. The doctor came in all of a sudden and told us he had to speak with us ASAP. He led us to a room, where he sat us down and told us that my brother was going to die, his liver had failed him, and at any moment he could pass on. Me and my mom went back to the room and started crying and praying for my brother’s life. Me and my mom laid hands on him according to Mark 16, “They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover” Glory!

The doctor later rushed in and told us that he needed a liver transplant ASAP. He said that he was going to try to get him accepted into UCLA hospital, one hour away from home where a liver specialist can look him over, but that he was not going to get accepted due to his mental disorder. He said that if they gave him the transplant he would later try to kill himself again, so there was no hope. He said he would try. Me and my mom fell on our knees and asked the Lord to help us, “Get him approved, please God.” Later that night the doctor came in and said he got approved and had to be rushed to UCLA Hospital. Glory!

So me and my mom followed the ambulance all the way to the hospital. The following day we woke up to the liver coordinator knocking at the waiting room door where we were sleeping and told us my brother was going to need a liver, and she said she was going to get us some financial help. She told us a liver transplant would cost us almost a house. I was about to pull my hair, so me and my mom got on our knees again, “God help us.” Following day, we got approved. Glory!

We were there at the hospital for one week and two days. For the next following days, my brother was taken to get his blood tested, and they told us his liver numbers were improving. They said that his liver might regenerate, and he might not need the transplant. Oh we were so thankful, and his numbers continued to improve as the day went by. Finally the last day, where we were pending the final results, we had met another young guy there in the dining hall who had his mom in there for liver transplant surgery that day. We shared our story and he did his.

After our meal we went upstairs to see my brother. The doctor came over to my brother’s room and told us that his liver completely healed. Later that day, the other young man’s mom went to surgery and never survived. God had called her. I mention this because God has been so merciful to spare my brother; He provided it all!

Thank You All! Acts 16:31

For the Honor and Glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ!