Prayer Cloth

Yes, the Word of God is alive and well in His people. We receive this email from a brother in England who is thankful that God still honors His Word.

Dear Bro Joseph and Bride of Christ

This testimony might seem small, insignificant, but to me it is a great victory that He is still the same yesterday, today and forever, Heb13:8. For about 8 years my son, thankfully called Joseph, suffered with tummy pain and this almost every month about three or four times a week, especially at weekends. He would wake up in the morning, go to school as usual, and in the middle of the day we would receive a phone from his school asking us to come and collect him, as he's feeling unwell.

I would be at work and my wife somewhere else, and we would have to find a way to stop everything one way or another to join him.

In the meantime he'd be crying to a point you cannot comfort him. I should say that he's 11 years old now. We went to see the doctor on numerous occasions. We were referred to the main hospital for checkups such as blood tests, x-rays, blood vessel scanner. He was once admitted to the main hospital. Every time, after examinations, we'd be told that there can't find anything wrong that it could just be constipation.

Laxatives to soften his stools would often be prescribed as well as some analgesia for pain. However, Joseph's pain became part of him, in the middle of the night, anytime during the day, anywhere he could have these pains. I prayed, fasted about it, and committed his condition to the Lord. I could tell that my son was in terrible pain during those crises. All I had to do was to pray, give him some painkillers, or take him to the family doctor.

I bought a replica of Brother Branham’s briefcase, which also contains a prayer cloth that Brother Joseph and Brother Billy Paul prayed over. Last year, early September 2010, Joseph was to start secondary school. At night he complained of tummy pain again. I called him in my room. I knelt down before the Lord in prayer while he kept on crying. Then, I applied this prayer cloth on the painful area according to Acts 19 as he pointed to me.

In my prayer I said if I'm a son of God, servant of the Lord who has believed this Message to be the truth, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, tummy pain leave my son from now on and never ever come back. As soon as I finished this prayer, my son stopped crying, and I allowed him to spend the night in my bedroom to just monitor him. In the meantime I played a tape of Brother Branham all night through.

My son slept well. From that night on to now he has not had any more tummy pain. And this has been about four months now, whereas he used to have those pains frequently.

I listen to my prophet frequently either in the car or at home. However, from that night, I took the habit to actually go to bed to sleep leaving my tape player on all night until the next day, only turning off when going out to work. And what a jubilee I have been having, encouragement, messages of faith to overcome unbelief, fear, worry.

Praise God for William Marrion Branham. You sleep for a while, then you wake up, you hear the Message again. What an anointing, good dreams. I want to take this moment to thank the Lord Jesus for healing my son after eight years of pain and sleepless nights; He has heard our prayer. Thank you Brother Joseph and Brother Billy Paul for that prayer cloth. Jesus Christ is still the same yesterday, today, and forever.