
My friends around the world,

If you have ever received a Message book from Voice Of God Recordings, then you know Brother Richard Sacher. He has stood at his post of duty for 25 years, overseeing the printing department here at VGR. Over that time, he's worked countless hours during the week, late into the night, and on weekends just to make sure those presses keep printing. All that time and labor has never been just a job to Brother Richard, he's done it because he loves YOU, the Bride of Christ. He's always known what those books mean to God's people.

Now our dear brother needs us. He has been fighting cancer for years, and the enemy is trying to finally win that battle. The doctors have told him the only thing they can do is try to make him a little more comfortable with some pain medicine. They have given him up, but we know something that they don't know:

Two-thousand years ago, our Lord Jesus paid the price and healed all of our diseases, cancer included!

I ask that the Bride of Christ join in prayer for Brother Richard Sacher. He's stood at his post of duty all those years for us, now let's stand for him.

Brother Joseph

He said, "Do not fear," just as quiet, said, "I am sent from the Presence of Almighty God, to tell you that your peculiar birth..." As you know what my birth was up there. That same Light hung over me when I was first born. And so He said, "Your peculiar birth and misunderstood life has been to indicate that you're to go to all the world and pray for the sick people." And said, "And regardless of what they have..." And He designated. God, Who's my Judge, knows. That, He designated "cancer." Said, "Nothing... If you get the people to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayers, not even cancer." See, "If you get the people to believe you."

55-0117 How The Angel Came To Me And His Commission