
We are excited to see this missionary effort going forward right here in the United States, which seems to be almost as great of a blessing to those witnessing as it is to those who are receiving the Word.

I was sitting at home one afternoon listening to a Message. Just as it was about over, I heard a loud pounding at the door. I waited for a minute or so (while Brother Branham was finishing the sermon) then went to see who it was. I opened the door and saw a rough looking older man getting into his truck.

He turned towards me as I approached him and asked me, “You wouldn’t be interested is selling one of the vehicles down by the barn would you?” I said, “Actually I would!” So we went down to the barn. He looked at my vehicle and we made a deal.

As he left to pick up his trailer, I looked for the title and the keys. After he came back, I met him by the barn and we started to get the vehicle ready to put on the trailer. I went to put the key in the ignition to unlock the steering wheel and realized it was the wrong key. I ran back to the house to find the correct one. As I was looking for the key, I felt on my heart to grab a witnessing CD from my car. I looked through the ones I had and picked out the Life Story.

I went back down and helped him load the vehicle on the trailer. As he was about to leave, I pulled out the CD and told him I had something to give him. He smiled and reached for the CD. I asked him if he had ever heard of William Branham. He stopped and looked at me and said, “Yes I have.”

I told him the CD was his life story and that he was a great man of God from this area. He just looked at the CD as I said, “If you don’t want to listen to it, or you don’t like it, please pass it on to someone else.” He stopped me in the middle of what I was saying put his finger on the package, and said, “Now this man I will listen to!” A sweet spirit moved down as he continued to talk about his life, and that he used to live on Penn St and attended the Branham Tabernacle between the years of 1962-1972, then moved away. He had moved back about a year ago due to health problems and wanted to be near his family.

I pointed to the back of the CD and showed him the address where he could get more if he wanted. I would have never guessed that he knew anything about Brother Branham or the Message by looking at him. But still, when he looked at the CD and saw “William Branham,” he said, “Now this man I will listen to!” I thank God that I had the opportunity to give him a Message CD. It is such an honor and privilege to have the opportunity to witness to people that have a hungry heart and accept what you have to give. You never know who is a predestinated seed.

Brother William

These witnessing CDs are given at a very low price so they can be handed out as tracts. We have received some wonderful feedback of how the Lord has not only blessed the recipient, but also the giver. We will be posting more of these testimonies in the future.